---Kade's oufit+pink, blue, and purple pastel galaxy tights under the jeans---

Owen Pierson. Star quarterback of the school's football team. 6'2 and nearly 180 pounds. Dirty blonde hair, icy blue eyes, perfect lips, and slightly tan skin. Respectful, mature-enough, funny, smart, honest, compassionate, responsible, loyal, everything anyone could ever want in a teenage boy. Everyone either wanted to be Owen or date him. I don't blame them. If someone were to ask which was hotter, Owen Pierson or the sun, Owen would win. He always does. Ever since he started playing sports in kindergarten he has been a winner, scoring a goal in the last 10 seconds, shooting a critical basket, making a home run when the two teams were neck to neck, you name it. Unlike the other popular kids, Owen is kind, refusing to bully anyone, sticking with his girlfriend, and best friend. Which brings me to my next point, Owen's best friend.

Johnathan Smith. Cute, geeky kid. Fit, but doesn't play any sports outside of while at the park with Owen. Doesn't talk to many people but makes a difference when he does. Twin to Owen's girlfriend, Nicole. In my eyes, hotter than Owen. Beautiful even. Milk chocolate hair, blue eyes, and a nose sprinkled with freckles. Every time he's seen, it's with his thin, pale pink, bottom lip between his teeth, making it as if he's smarter than he already is, always thinking about something. I respect people like that. People who don't say the first thing that comes to their head. Who think things through, so they are meaningful, and not offensive. Johnathan reminds me of a puppy in a sense. Fluffy hair, sweet personality, changes peoples' minds without trying, and always follows Owen, or Camryn, his girlfriend.

Camryn Knox. Second most popular girl to walk these grounds. Cheerleader. Red-orange hair capturing the attention of everyone around her. Bold personality getting the best of her at times. Doesn't enjoy when Johnathan talks to anyone, but her. Hates the thought of Nicole befriending anyone besides her. A very jealous girl. Rich too. Her father owns a big company in the city though I could care less than to remember what it is. Anyways, she is also very controlling, always trying to take charge and steal Nicole's job.

Nicole Smith. Undoubtedly the most popular girl to set foot on Earth. Everyone loves Nicole. It's hard not to. When you're beautiful, girlfriend to the quarterback, sister of the quarterback's best friend, do charity work, are an A student, and love everyone, you become irresistible. Nothing, but her lashes are fake. Unlike Camryn who tries to hide her true self. Well, I guess her pink hair is fake too. Not the actual hair, just the color. Other than that, she's completely flawless both inside, and out.

Straying away from the popular bunch, you have my best and only friend, Kaci Hook. Out of everyone, Kaci's got to be the best. Since we were kids, she's been there for me, giving me a place to stay when I need it, and helping me through hard times. Sure, some girls have their social status, but it's true friendship that matters the most. God, I sound like a children's show. I contemplate how Kaci's put up with me for this long a lot, but I feel the more I question it, the more likely it is she'll leave me. Everyone else has. My dad. My old friends. My mom. That last one is debatable, but now's not the time. Back to Kaci, her blue hair compliments the brown in her eyes perfectly, bringing out the dark color in contrast. Her make-up is always on point, and she's actually the person who taught me everything I know.

Kade Waites. That one smart kid who sits in the back of the class and doesn't get in trouble. Also known as the school faggot. The emo who dresses in pastel colors. The boy who wears make-up, and skirts more often than not. Everyone's punching bag. The kid with a fucked-up life and head. Then again, wasn't every genius fucked up in one way or another? Either way, that's me. So what if I like looking presentable and wearing light colors. It's okay when jocks wear tutus and have their girlfriends do their make-up, but it isn't right when I choose to do it on my own. I hate that. That people think it's okay to judge people based on their social status. Maybe I'd have more friends and rank higher on that scale if people were more accepting and understanding. I mean, Johnathan would probably be around where I am on the scale if he wasn't friends with Owen. It's all about knowing the right people, not who you are as a person.

"Kade? Kade, are you with us?" My head snapped up from where it had been resting on the desk, meeting eyes with my math teacher.

"Yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking. The answer is x=952." Thank you whatever god gave me my smarts.

"That is correct. Good job Kade. As I was saying..." I drowned her out, knowing everything she's sure to say. It's always the same. No one gets how you find an answer, so the teacher has to repeat the process a million times only to have the same nut brained kids as before. How hard is it to remember a couple formulas? That's literally all math is. You write the formula then plug in what you know, do the math, and bam, the answer is yours.

A sharp ringing sounded in the room, causing everyone to go chaotic, and for the teacher to rush us out of the school. Nothing like an unexpected fire drill to start the day. To make it better, some kid shoved me into a bush, my tights getting caught on a stick, and ripping. Thanks a lot. This is what I get for wearing nice things. At least the tights are under my jeans, or it would be more visible.

When we stopped outside the teacher counted our heads, holding up a green slip. "Hey Kade!" I'd know that voice from anywhere.

"Hi Kaci." My blue haired best friend threw her arms around me, engulfing my small frame in a hug.

"Students, you need to be quiet, I don't care if you whisper, but no louder than that." Fuck teachers.

When I was finally released from Kaci's grasp she gasped, "No, baby, what happened to your tights?" With the way we talked to each other it could be assumed we are dating, but we're not. Not in a million years. She doesn't like dick, I do. Plus, what girl would date a guy who wears skirts?


"Not again! Sweetheart when are you going to learn to walk straight?!" As Kaci quite bluntly stated, this isn't the first time I've ripped tights on a bush or tree. I'm very clumsy and never look where I'm going. It's not fun when you have to take a field trip to the park and hike. Listen, skirts and stockings aren't meant for hiking. Sadly, I learned that the hard way. Laugh all you want, I'm smart, but lack common sense sometimes. "Hey, you wanna go to the mall after school? We can go to Hot Topic! And get ice cream! It's going to be so fun!" Same old Kaci.

"Sure, but I don't want any ice cream, gross."

"I worry about you Kade, I really do, who doesn't like ice cream?!"

"Miss Hook, whispering voices." Thanks for the reminder. Not.

Kaci was opening her mouth to say something when the principle came over and released us to go inside. "Bye Kace, see ya at lunch," I waved, filing back into the classroom with about 30 other frozen students. Who has a fire drill in 10 degree weather? No one. Maybe penguins, but that's about it. Thank God I'm wearing jeans and a jumper today.

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