If it was possible for Karkat's face to get any more red, it definitely did when Dave asked seductively while smirking,

"I'm so close, but now that you're here, I could use some help."

The troll's face was burning hot and probably as red as his blood. Not knowing what quadrant he wanted the human in definitely wasn't helping him formulate a response. He definitely felt... things for Dave, but they weren't specific to one single quadrant. Moirail, kismesis, matesprit??? God someone help this poor troll. He and Dave were "best bros", in Dave's words, but Karkat also felt hate towards him, however it was nothing compared to the true, pure hatred of kismesissitude. Some part of him had managed to develop flushed feelings, which were extremely difficult to ignore in his current situation.

"I-I-" The troll stuttered, still taking in the sight infront of him.

He'd be lying if he said Dave wasn't extremely attractive. His usually neat blond hair now damp with his bangs stuck to his forehead, pale skin tinted pink and covered with tiny freckles, Karkat was dying to know what he looked like without a shirt. While he had seen Dave shirtless before, it was never as intimate of a situation as this and it would be an almost brand new experience.

Karkat moved closer to the boy on the bed, Dave's grin growing wider.

"I- Fuck-" The troll paused as he could feel his friend squirming about. Letting out a quiet moan, he continued. "I never thought you'd ask."

Karkat crawled on the bed with help from Dave as they both got busy undressing. As Karkat sat with his boxers still on, Dave pulled him in to a kiss, one fueled by lust. As their tongues fought for dominance, Dave quickly gave up as he let himself melt into the kiss, feeling Karkat wrap his arms around him.

When they broke apart, Dave asked with a playful tone, reaching for Karkat's waistband,

"So, what are you hiding from me, Kitten?"

As he pulled the troll's boxers down, he saw the major difference between humans and trolls. Dave loved it.

"Holy shit, you're beautiful." He said as the troll flushed red.

"You're not so bad yourself." Karkat replied.

"So is this like, your dick?" Dave asked, eying the bright red, tentacle-like member the troll had.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Do they work the same?"

"Yes, Dave."


"Dave, shut the fuck up and fuck me right now." Karkat said, impatiently waiting to be touched.

Dave felt his face heat up as he spread apart Karkat's legs, smirking at the sight.

Lining himself up and getting ready to push in, he stopped.

"What the-" The troll said, clearly confused.

"Wait." The human interrupted.

"What is it? Lube?" Karkat asked, propping himself up using his elbows.

"Oh shit, that too." Dave said, lost in thought.


"Stay there."

Karkat did as instructed as he watched Dave get up and retrieve a bottle of lube and a mystery object, getting a perfect view of Dave's perfect ass.

"Nice ass, Strider!" Karkat called from the bed.

"Oh, fuck you, Vantass!" Dave laughed.

"That's what we're trying to do, fuckass!" The troll said, putting on an annoyed act between giggles.

"Alright, now close your eyes." Dave ordered and Karkat obeyed.

"Good." Dave purred. "Give me your hands."

Karkat did without question and soon felt his hands being restrained, suddenly realizing what Dave's "mystery object" was; handcuffs.

While the time player adjusted the cuffs, the blood player muttered,

"Strider, you kinky bastard."

"Tell me something I don't know."

As Dave once again prepared himself, he thought of a better idea.

"Hey, Kitten, how's about-"

"If it involves you fucking me, then yes. Just please get on with it!" Karkat pleaded.

Leaning his head closer to the troll's pointed ears, Dave whispered,

"If you say so."

Dave's seductive whispers could make Karkat's brain turn to mush and his dick excited in an instant.

"Now, since im dangerously close, I'm gonna tease you until you are too; that's assuming I don't finish first."

Karkat whined and squirmed, trying to get his hands loose. He looked up at Dave with wide red eyes as he asked,

"What happens if you finish first?"

"I don't think you wanna find out." Dave replied as he pulled Karkat into a kiss.

Using one hand, Dave ran a pale hand through Karkat's jet black hair as he pleasured him with the other, moans being muffled by their kiss. As Dave grabbed hold of Karkat's bulge, it began to wriggle and wrap around his fingers. He knew enough to know Karkat was enjoying himself. Dave moved his lips to Karkat's neck, leaving sloppy hickeys as he listened to the troll's whimpers.

"Fuck." Karkat hissed as Dave bit down on his pale gray skin.

"Feel good, Kitten?" Dave asked, kissing the love bite.

"God, yes!" Karkat moaned.

"Are you close?" the human questioned.

The troll frantically nodded his head yes, while shutting his mouth to muffle his noises.


Whether Karkat needed prepping or not was unimportant. He didn't care if it would cause more pain and make it harder, he need Dave now.

"Fuck prepping! Fuck me!" Karkat shouted.

Dave pushed in and Karkat winced. Soon the pain turned to pure pleasure and with each thrust he was getting closer and closer, bulge slick with red genetic material.

Dave moaned a string of curses as he came, slowly continuing to thrust in and out.

"Ah, Dave! Gonna cum, gonna-"

Karkat came with a moan that could put a porn star to shame. Red genetic material leaked out of his nook, staining the sheets.

"Fuck, sorry! I should've mentioned that." Karkat said worriedly.

"Who fuckin' cares. You're amazing by the way." Dave smiled, laying on top of Karkat. Karkat blushed as their red eyes met.

"I love you." The troll said softly.

"Me too." The human whispered back.

"Now for the love of god, Dave, please let my hands go."

The two boys laughed together as Dave undid the handcuffs and pulled Karkat into another kiss.

heyyyyy mari here,,,, uhhh that was my first smut 😳😳😳
hopefully the first of many lmao feedback would be nice sjsjdcdfg but plz dont bully me or i'll cry sdjsjsjs
so yeah been awhile since i wrote the boys sorry if theyre out of character or something aaaa,,,,,
also i headcanon that karkat is very needy and impatient during sex and they'd totally do some sort of bondage lmao-

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