Chapter 2

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The car trip took longer then I expected. My mom and Drake constantly talking, Will and I fell asleep some time. I don’t know what Tori was doing, probably trying not to go insane from not having her phone in her hands at that moment. I don’t do that, I only really use my phone to listen to music and even then I make my own music so I don’t really need a phone honestly. I woke up after a while. After what seemed like years we pulled up to our cabin. The cabin was a pretty decent size, wooden log stacked on top of each other. Last year we remodeled so it’s more modern. It sat on the side of a hill, only a short trip down to the beach. It had a beautiful view of the lake and mountains. We owned about twenty anchors of land. We approached the cabin. There was another SUV parked there, the other family. My mom turned to us.

“Ok we are going to be camping with the Sangster’s for the whole trip, be on your best behavior please guys.” She says. Ugh, people. Drake parked the car and we piled out. We decided to meet the new family before we start unpacking. We walked in our cabin. The cabin was large on the inside. It had a huge living room with three couches set up into a square with only three sides (like an E without the little part in the middle), sitting in front of a fireplace. The kitchen was huge with an island and a bar and new appliances. There were six rooms in the cabin, two master bedrooms and four smaller rooms. The cabin had three full bathrooms with running water. We had electricity but we only used it to keep warm. When we reached the living room, there were four people sitting on the couch. I studied them. The two oldest, I’m assuming the parents sat together. The woman looked to be in her mid thirties, her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had hazel eyes. The man seemed to be in his late thirties, blonde hair combed back neatly and brown eyes. Then there was a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old, he had dirty blond hair, brown eyes a strong jaw and seemed quiet muscular. Lastly was a small girl about six years old with blonde hair and hazel eyes. I scanned the room for anyone else but no one was there. As I was scanning I noticed that the boy kept staring at me. I looked down at myself. I was wearing jean capris and a black T-shirt that said ‘Mind Blown’ on it and black vans. Was there something on my face? I stared down at my shoes trying not to blush. My mom and Drake started walking and we followed I was in the back. We stopped in front of the family as they stood up. The woman held out a hand to my mother.

“Hi I’m Anastasia but you can call me Tasha.” The woman said in a slight British accent.

“Hello Tasha I’m Freya, nice to meet you. This is my family.” My mother said gesturing for us to meet them. Drake stepped up.

“I’m Drake, Freya’s husband.” He said.

“I’m Victoria, you can call me Tori.” Tori said shaking Tasha’s hand. William walked up to Tasha.

“I’m William! But everyone calls me Will.” He said with a smile. Tasha crouched down.

“Hi Will.” She smiled. She stood back up.

“Who’s that?” She asks pointing to me. I start to blush a little. I walk up to her.

“I’m Autumn, everyone calls me Fall though.” I say shaking her hand.

“Nice meeting you guys!” Tasha says. I let go of her hand and step back besides Will.

“This is my family.” She smiles. The man stepped up to my mother.

“I’m Mark.” He says. My mother smiles politely. The boy was about to say something but the little girl ran up.

“I’m Ava!” She says excitedly. I smile a little. She’s so adorable. The boy laughs and walks up to my mother taking her hand and shaking.

“And I’m Thomas.” He says, his accent thicker then his parents. He let go of my mother’s hand and scooped up Ava placing her on his hip.

“Well now that everyone knows each other we better get unpacking!” My mother says excitedly. I roll my eyes. Everyone goes to the car but I head to the storage room. I grab the tent bag and start walking outside to set it up. When I step out the door I let myself soak in the heat of the setting sun. It’s beautiful out here. I continue walking and I find my normal camping place. It’s about fifty yards from the house, a clear spot with trees surrounding it, also a tree stump perfect for sitting on and a clear path to the house so I won’t get lost. I sigh and place down the tent. I’ve set up this tent thousands of times before by myself so it only took me twenty minuets to get it set up. I walked back to the SUV and started grabbing my stuff. I grabbed my duffel bag and pillows. I couldn’t grab my guitar case because it was two far suddenly someone appears besides me.

“Here let me get that for you.” He says. I turn and see the boy, Thomas leaning in and grabbing my guitar case. He grabs it and leans out.

“Thanks.” I say.

“Looks like you got your hands full, I can carry this in if you want.” He suggests.

“Um no I’m fine. I’m not putting these inside anyways.” I say grabbing my guitar case. I start walking back to my tent area. I hear him following me.

“Where are you going then?” He asks keeping pace with me.

“Um I don’t like sleeping in the cabin so I sleep in a tent.” I say now on the path to my tent.

“Why don’t you like sleeping in the cabin?” He asks.

“Aren’t you full of questions.” I say. He doesn’t say anything. We finally get to my tent area. I set down my duffel bag and guitar case. I zip open the tent and set down my pillows. I grab my bag and guitar and set them inside. I need to go grab my air mattress out of the cabin. I zip up the tent. Thomas is looking around my little campsite.

“Come on.” I say heading back to the cabin. He snaps his attention towards me then jogs up to me. We reached the cabin and I went to the storage room, he left somewhere else probably to unpack. I grabbed my air mattress and blankets then headed out. Once I got back to my tent area I hopped inside my tent and started blowing up the air mattress, it had a battery inside of it that blew it up for me. Once it was done airing up I put sheets on it, then blankets then my pillows. I unpacked my duffel bag bringing out all the books and setting them aside. Once I was all settled it was time to eat so I made my way back to the cabin.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now