Big bang

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What he's wearing, with the helmet on the cover and first chapter.

As I marched to my post I spotted many dead along the way. The enemy has gotten desperate as of late, using gas attacks and bullets with poison. So we just start using better and bigger bombs. It's quite simple.

My post of guarding the commander pretty much. I didn't really do much and if we are all told to charge I'm in the back. I barely have to do anything but when I do I'm good at it. I took four martial arts and started shooting when I was 13. My dad said I better then he was now, at 16. I practice with a sword often, more like when I get a chance. I listen to music via my phone or radio. I listen to older music but nobody bugs me for it.

I guess I also forgot to mention that my name is Garret Blaze and I'm 22, joined before the war but it started halfway threw basic. I'm a fan of drawing, singing, and staying fit. I also like martial arts and made a record of never losing a fight. I'm never cocky or put a situation to low because when you live in a bad neighborhood you had to access many different types of situations, and quickly.

I don't drink a lot because I don't like the Taste, Wine I might drink. I've been able to hold down 6 shots of vodka and not get tipsy. My coworkers on the other hand take one shot and pass out, another advantage of having horrible people growing up.

But enough about me.

I walked into the commanders depot and saluted he quickly put me at ease and I sat there with my hands behind my back. The commanders depot was nothing much except a few rugs for the mud and a table or two for radio transmitters or responders. It was about a 10x10 space.

"We are getting reports that the Chinese are thinking of launching a nuke, and since we're near the closest launch site I would like to tell you to expect the worse. All I'll tell you is that it was nice being your commander." The commander saluted me and I snapped to attention and saluted back. Commander Arnold was a pretty chill guy. He was strict but fair, and he sounds like a terminator. I forget how many movies they made. 30 or was it 40. I lost count.

He put down his salute and so did I. He stood up and waved his hand, meaning dismissed, and stood by his desk. I looked at him and walked to him. He sighed and put a wavering hand on my shoulder, he put his other hand out as if he was going to drop something and I let my left hand go under his right hand.

"You were a good solider Garret, I guess I put you in this position because I didn't want you hurt. Or I was just a pussy." He laughed a little and I smiled underneath my mask. This man was like a second father to me. He kept me fed and always gave me a little of his food so I'd be in good health. He'd treat get my wounds treated immediately, that's rare, and he always congratulated me whenever I deserved it.

He was about 5,10, 165 pounds, white hair and blue eyes. I have no idea when he was born or where but I do know his name is John. All I know is that he's been an excellent role model. When he could I herd how he rushed into battle and took the enemy by surprise. He was recorded to only have lost 2 men under his command and they died of unknown cause.

"Truth is if we die in the next" he checked his watch, "five minutes, then I would like you to have this. Let's just say it one last gift from me to you. Enjoy it cause it's the one and only Christmas present your getting from me." He opened his hand and a rectangular device fell in my hand I pulled it up to look at it and identified it as a charger for a phone but it went on the power of the sun. I noticed 6 solar panels on one side and another big one on the other. I looked back at him confused but noticed he was already sitting down at his chair. I just shrugged and put it in one of my pockets.

"You're free you go, enjoy the trenches. I'll be here if you need me in the next" checked again.
"3 minutes. There's an ammo box over there, I'd use it. Might as well shoot a few Corona virus spreading bastards while your at it." I laughed a little at that last jab because back In 2020 from what I heard from my dad this virus spread that wasn't even that much worse then a common cold but everybody freaked out about it.

I walked over to the ammo box he pointed to and noticed ammo exactly made for my gun. Oh well if I'm gonna die I'm gonna at least pop a few heads while I'm at it. I bent down and pulled out two desert eagles mags and started reloading. I filled up one and half of the other before I herd from over my shoulder.

"1 minute, better hurry your ass up Garret." I nodded and responded with a quiet yes sir before finishing up with the two clips. The one is my gun is already good. So that's 42 bullets, ok.

I pulled out an Ar-15 clip, since 2 others were good, and started loading the 30 round clip. When I was done I herd a watch start beeping and John started laughing a little while a cigarette was in his mouth.

"Times up, see you in hell Garret"

As he said those words I herd everyone start freaking out so I turned around and looked up at the sky. A giant light, that was definitely not the sun, blinded me for a solid second and I fell to my knees. I then felt my armor start getting hotter and hotter. I tried to pull it off but it was no use as my hands were falling off. All the tissue and bone slipped off my arm and my blood cauterized because of such heat. I couldn't feel anything but I watched it all happen.

I tried to scream but I couldn't, I tried to move but all I could do and close my eyes as the pain and heat kicked in and took me.

Everything was black as of now.

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