Writer's Block (P2)

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26. Imagine you're a criminal. Write a letter to your partner asking for forgiveness.

27. Take the names of the songs on your favourite albums. What if they were chapter headings?

28. Think of the person you'd least like to spend time with. Imagine you're trapped in a drain and he/she is the only one who can help.

29. Recall the best present you ever received. Imagine it being given to somebody with different interests. How does he/she react on opening the present?

30. Google your own name. Find somebody with the same name. Write a piece describing the thoughts he/she might have whilst traveling to work.

31. Think of your favourite scene from a film. Rewrite it from somebody else's perspective.

32. Imagine that the earth has been destroyed and your family are one of the first to settle on a new planet. What do you do for a job?

33. You're heading up an evil crime organisation. What do you call yourself and why?

34. Look through your photographs until you find one with a stranger in the background. Write a fictional account of his/her five minutes leading up to the taking of the photograph.

35. You're about to embark on a dangerous mission. Write a letter to your loved ones for them to open if you don't make it.

36. Imagine you're a wolf for a day. How would you spend your time?

37. What if your favourite pet had a super power?

38. Think of a celebrity you dislike. Now imagine a funeral if a member of your family brought him/her as a date.

39. What would happen if your younger self met your current self?

40. There are three of you: a good one, a balanced one and an evil one. How did this come about?

41. Look at the front page of a national paper Could there be a conspiracy behind the main headline?

42. Take your favourite plot from a book. Re-write the opening as if it's set in a different time period.

43. Imagine you're been jailed for a crime you didn't do. Write a letter to your partner.

44. Remember your favourite fairy tale. Put yourself in the position of the villain. What drives you?

45. You pick up somebody else's coat accidentally. Something in the pocket makes you suspect the owner of a crime.

46. Think about the last good decision you made. What would have happened if you'd made the wrong choice?

47. Imagine you can travel back in time to give yourself one piece of advice. What would it be?

48. Would you ever license a robot version of yourself?

49. Remember the last day you had outside in the sun. What would have happened if a flying saucer had appeared in the sky?

50. You're on a jury and you distrust one of your fellow jurors. Why?

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