17 - The Aftermath

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I haven't slept in weeks. I couldn't get the idea of being a killer three weeks ago out of my head. I was a simple girl, who worked hard to help her father, but now I am an orphan who killed her mother for killing her father.

Mrs. Gonzalez was kind enough to give me a month's break. I went back to my parent's house to stay there for a while because I felt weird staying at the villa doing nothing. Coming back to this house brought a lot of memories and nightmares, but I have no choice but to stay here.

I haven't seen anyone from my workplace in three weeks, and I feel a little bit better because every time I see them, I remember what I did. Not that it has left my mind while staying here.

I go sometimes to my neighbor Matilda to get my mind off things and thankfully, Charlotte is coming tonight to stay with me for a few days. She called me two days ago and learned of what happened. She couldn't come until today. I still have one week before I go back to the Gonzalez's and I cannot wait. I really missed them and missed being there. I missed my job and I feel like I am ready to move on a little bit.

My phone buzzes and when I pick it up to check who sent me a message, Charlotte's name appears on the screen.

It reads, 'Want me to bring Fodos?'

I smile and type back, 'Sure. Get me the strawberry one.'

She quickly types back, 'How could you eat ice cream in a strawberry flavor?'

'Shut up and come already.'

She sends me the angry emoji with an 'ok' on the side. I laugh to myself at her childish actions, knowing for sure that I will be scolded when she arrives.

We have been eating Fodos ice cream brand since forever and I always get the strawberry one. She hates strawberries because one time a boy in 5th grade dumped strawberry juice on her hair. Since then, she loathes the fruit.

The doorbell rings and I run to it, pulling it open. Charlotte stood behind it with a huge grin as she holds the Fodos bag in her hand. Her red suitcase stood beside her, but she doesn't pay attention to it as she comes in and slams the door shut.

"Girl! Oh my god, I have missed you!" She screams, pulling my body toward her in a tight hug. I hug her back equally tight until she faked coughing.

"I love your house."

"Thanks...by the way, your bag is still outside."

"Oh, god, I am forgetting things." She sighs and shakes her head.

I open the door to get the bag inside when I see legs beside it. I look up and my eyes land on Lorenzo's amused ones.

"Mr. L-Lorenzo?" I stutter, too shocked from seeing him in front of me.

"Hello, Valeria." His smooth voice breaks my shocked state.

When I don't say anything, he cocks his eyebrows as if asking if I am going to let him in or what. I quickly mumble a sorry and tell him to come in. He's a gentleman for getting Charlotte's suitcase inside with him.

"You have a lovely home," he says but quickly comes to the realization that my father just died in this house not a month ago. "Sorry..."

"It's okay." I shrug. "So, is there something going on?" I ask as I walk to the living room where Charlotte is standing, frozen to her place as she gawks at Lorenzo.

Before he could say anything, Charlotte jumps in, making me palm myself.

"Val, who is this?"

"Char, this is Lorenzo, my employer, Lorenzo, this is Charlotte, my best friend," I introduce them to one another, already feeling jealous for no apparent reason.

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