first day of school

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I said walking up to him

"What do you want you damn neard?!" He practically yelled

"Nothing, just bored" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Than go do that somewhere else bitch." He said

"Oh! ow? that really hurt my feelings." You said dramaticly. You jumped up and sat on his desk, careful not to sit on your tail. "Anyways, what's your name? Mines y/n"

"Get off my desk you dumb bitch!"

"But I don't wanna."

He stood up and glared at me. "Fine than die!" He said he released his quirk and made an explosion right at my face. I used my quirk, fox snatch, to take his power. I was surprised that he had so much. His explosion turned into a cloud of smoke. He looked at his hands and tried again to make an explosion but all he could get was a few sparks.

"What did you do?!" He yelled

"Oops! sorry! did you need that?" I asked sarcastically laughing

"Why you bitch!" He yelled at me

"Kachan! Stop!" I turned around to see the green haired boy yelling at him

"Don't tell me What to fucking do deku!" He yelled back

"Kachan huh?" I looked at him "Well I guess you'll be wanting this back now." I said returning his strength

"Bitch! What did you do?"

"Nothing personal, I just wasn't in the mood to die. Maybe later." I said laughing.

"Hey what's your name?" The boy named deku asked me

"Y/n" You replied flatly

"Y/n I should tell you, it's not a good idea to get on kachan's nerves, he could seriously kill you." He said

"Hehe ok then." I said sarcasticly

By now all the students have arrived. The door opened and in flopped a person in a yellow sleeping bag. He unzipped it and stood at the front of the class.

"Everyone be quiet and take your seats. I'm Mr. Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher." He said monotonioisly

You jumped off kachan's desk and went to your own and sat down.

"Today we will doing a quirk assessment." He said lazily "Get your gym clothes on and meet me down at the training field." And then he left.

You went to the girls locker room and changed. As you were changing, your tail brushed against something. You turned around to see a girl standing there awkwardly.

"Hey! Sorry bout that. Did my tail get in your way?"

"Oh, um no it's fine." She said shyly

"Uh, my name is y/n. What's yours?"

"I'm uraraka." She said. She stared at my tail and ears.

Self-conciously, you placed one hand on my head and folded down one of your ears. She must have noticed because she started apologising.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare."

"Oh it's fine, I'm used to it." I said lowering my hand.

"Its just that, it looks so soft and fluffy!" She said smiling

"Do you wanna feel?" You asked moving your tail in front of her

She reached out and pet your tail. "Wow it is really soft!" She exclaimed

She moved her eyes to my ears. "Do you have actual ears too?"

"If by actual, you mean like the tiny things on the side of your head, than no." You said moving your short, messy hair to the side so she could see. You had no ears exept the ones on the top of my head.

Your ears started to swivel and heard aizawa

"Aizawa is wondering what's taking us so long." You told uraraku

You both ran outside to join the rest of our class. Mr. Aizawa said that we would be testing our abilities with a series of obstacles. He said that the one in last place would be expelled from UA. I heard everyone around me whisper and panic.

'Bring it on!' You thought competitively

Sorry if this chapter is bad idk. I'm literally making this up as I go cuz me to lazy to plan. I only have the basic storyline girl with fox quirk, train with Bakugo, has similar personalities, girl likes boy things, Bakugo and girl like each othe, fluff and mabe smut (But probably not cuz I can't write smut to save my life 😂)

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