Chapter 15 - I'll Try

Start from the beginning

"It's good to see you too, Dad," he throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me close. He still smells the exact same.

"Dad?" Finn asks as they follow.

"Wait," Rey stops in her tracks so harshly, smoke could've come from her feet. "Dad!"

"Yeah," I shrug as I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling an evident dad-bod forming on his stomach area slightly. "Y/N Solo-Organa,"

"Full name, Kid," he teases me.

"No, thanks," I reply sincerely.

We walk together into the cockpit and he looks around it in pride. It really is the same as it always has been. He seems content until he notices something that caught my own eye earlier too.

"Hey!" he storms back into the main area where the other four are. "Some moof-milker put a compressor on the ignition line!"

I laugh out loud at the reference to the nickname I used to use on him and Ben when I was younger. "Can't believe you still use that,"

"Never stopped," he winks at me as he faces back to Rey.

"Unkar Plutt did," she starts. "I thought it was a mistake too it-"

"Puts too much stress on the hyperdrive," he interrupts her. "Chewie, throw them a pod we'll drop them on the nearest inhabited planet,"

"Dad!" I exclaim at his rudeness.

"Wait no, we need your help," she tells him. "This droid needs to get to the resistance base as soon as possible,"

"He's carrying the map to Uncle Luke," I further explain. He stops dead in his tracks. We haven't spoken about Luke since, well, you know.

"You're the Han Solo that fought with the rebellion, you knew him," Finn expands their argument.

"Yeah. I knew him, I knew Luke," He looks to me for comfort - his or mine though? "We both did,"

I give him a weak smile, not really knowing what to say. Uncle Luke was the reason for some of the best and absolute worst times of our lives. However, without him Mom and Dad never would have met and he would still be a scavenger and she would be a stubborn princess waiting for her chance to escape the empire's grip. Without him, there would be no rebellion or resistance - no Poe for me to meet and allow to sweep me off my feet.

Our thoughts are interrupted by a faint clang of metal and he groans, throwing his head back. "Oh don't tell me a Rathtar's gotten loose,"

He pushes past our small group and we all follow behind cautiously. I have heard about Rathtars but never actually seen or had full knowledge of what they can do.

"Wait, what?" Finn exclaims in confusion and frustration at the whole situation. As we jog behind Dad, BB-8 uses his grapplers to get himself out of the cubby hole we had hidden in. I feel a sense of guilt, like I was already failing at looking after him because I was too caught up in my own dramas to realise he was still in there. "Did you just say Rathtar? Hey!"

We all follow the greying man into the cargo dock where he goes to a control panel and starts to press around. "You're not hauling Rathtars on this freighter, are you?" Finn continues, panic lacing in his tone.

"I'm hauling Rathtars," Dad replies nonchalantly as he pulls up the cameras from around the larger ship.

"Dad!" I scold him with a disappointed expression.

He shakes his head, but looks closer at the panel. I can feel a wave of uncertainty and fear come off of him temporarily, and looking down at the cameras I can see why.

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