Girl Code

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"...And then we left Millie at the table after saying we both needed to use the bathroom, and we made out in there for like ten minutes. We would've gone a little further, but we didn't want Millie to get suspicious," Noah finished, sitting back and folding his arms triumphantly across his chest.

Millie snorted. "Yeah, that's not what happened at all."

Sadie doubled over with laughter. "Yeah, Noah. I'm sorry, but there's no way Finn Wolfhard would make out with you."

Noah was offended. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Sadie smirked and began to count her points on her fingers. "Well, first off, he's straight. Secondly, you're a weirdo and you can't flirt without coming across as creepy. And third, he's Millie's boyfriend."

Millie reddened. "He's not my boyfriend!"

"You kissed him at the top of a ferris wheel! That's adorable!" Sadie protested. "That's, like, how every girl dreams of her first kiss. And you two are perfect for each other. Don't even try to change my mind."

Millie just shrugged. "Whatever you say. But going back to what Noah said about the café, don't you wanna hear what really happened?"

Sadie brightened and nodded vigorously. "Obviously. Tell me!"

Millie stood up off the bed in order to act out the scene. "Okay, look, I'm Finn." She put on a haughty expression and slowly strolled a few feet forward with her shoulders thrust back and chin up. Sadie and Noah watched with held back sniggers.

"Now I'm Noah." Millie turned the opposite direction and pretended to be wiping down a table. Then she straightened and looked straight ahead at an imaginary Finn, jutting her hip out. "Well, if it isn't Finn Wolfhard. You're even sexier in real life. Wanna fuck?"

Sadie burst into laughter, and Noah pushed her over, amusement written across his face. The redhead didn't resist, flopping onto her side on the bed, still giggling.

Millie switched back to Finn. "What? I'm straight, dude. I'm like, the straightest guy you'll ever meet. I'm not gay, I swear."

Noah again. "Oh, what a shame! We could've had a great time! I'm really good in bed." Millie winked at her best friends seductively.

The real Noah jumped up. "I never said that!" He rushed Millie and tackled her, both of them cracking up, onto the bed.

The three best friends cuddled up, Millie in the middle, under the blankets and took a deep breath, composing themselves.

Millie sighed. "Do you guys remember the COVID-19 breakout two years ago?"

Sadie nodded. "How could I forget? We were quarantined for weeks. I didn't see you guys for a month and a half because my mom was freaking out and buying all the toilet paper in sight."

Millie sniffed. "That's kind of how I feel in this house. Quarantined, I mean. I only get to see you two every once in a while, and it's almost like my own isolation thing that only I'm supposed to do. Every day is a day I could be with you guys, but can't."

Noah laid a head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Mills. We miss you constantly. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about you. School is such a drag without you making math more fun."

Millie sat up suddenly. "School!"

Sadie blinked. "Yeah...?"

Millie looked at her. "I completely forgot about graduation. When is it?"

"Saturday. The sixteenth."

"I got excused from the rest of the school year because of my, um...condition. But I'm allowed to graduate because I completed most of the year! I can't believe I forgot about it." Millie laughed and laid back down. "I've always dreamed of graduating. Too bad I won't get to go to the college I want."

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