A Night of Hell

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Finn was positively fuming.

He was so pissed he couldn't speak for several minutes after Lilia relayed some important information to him he had been completely unaware of until that moment.

He raked his hands through his curly hair, pacing around the living room of his massive home while his stylist tried to comfort him.

"Finn, calm down," she urged, thinking to pat his shoulder sympathetically but deciding against it, knowing he would slap her hand away if she did. "It's not that bad, really."

Finn let out a short "ha!" although the situation was not funny at all. It was a fucking disaster. "Don't even try that with me, Lilia! Of course it's that bad! Get someone else!"

"The concert is in five hours, Finn!" the blond shot back, temper rising steadily with her boss's. "I can't just get someone else!"

"Well then why didn't you fucking ask me first?" Finn growled. "I gave you a list of people I wanted!"

"Because we'd already asked everyone you suggested, and none of them were available! Jacob called and said he would do it, so we accepted him. Get over it!" Lilia turned away to take a deep breath and calm herself down. It didn't work.

Finn turned on her, fire in his eyes. "I can't believe you're letting Jacob fucking Sartorius open for me tonight! Do you know how that will make me look?"

The curly-haired teen could feel his face getting redder and redder with anger as he continued to chastise Lilia.

"People know we hate each other. They make memes, they choose sides, they follow Twitter battles, they put it in magazines! Finn Wolfhard and Jacob Sartorius Really Fucking Hate Each Other! Wow!" How do you think it'll look if Saggytitties opens for Calpurnia? Hm?"

Lilia just glared at him silently.

"It will look like," Finn said, pronouncing each word carefully as if to dumb it down for Lilia, "we're friends or some shit, or we came to some agreement and decided to work together! Sartorius can't sing, Lilia! Not all!"

Lilia narrowed her eyes even further as her boss continued to yell at her for something that really wasn't even her fault.

"And since he can't sing, the audience is going to have their ears shattered and be mentally fucked up for the rest of the night, and they won't have a good time the rest of the concert, and there's gonna be bad reviews and the whole show is gonna go downhill! I would rather eat my own foot than be called a friend of that disgusting, talentless douchebag! You've ruined me, Lilia!"

Finn threw his hands into the air and began marching to his bedroom. "You've ruined me!"

He left Lilia speechless and seething in the living room, glowering after him with death in her gaze. Sometimes that boy made her really want to gouge somebody's eyes out.

Finn was halfway to his room when his phone rang. He angrily yanked it out of his pocket and growled into the receiver, "What do you want? I'm not in the mood."

"Where the hell are you?" Malcolm's annoyed voice asked on the other end. "We're supposed to be practicing! I don't care if you're not in the mood; get the fuck over here if you don't want Ayla to kick your ass!"

The line went dead as Malcolm hung up. Finn slammed his phone down on a table in the hallway, rage and adrenaline flowing through his bloodstream. He'd forgotten all about practice.

And he couldn't care less.

Better to just cancel the concert altogether than have Jacob Sartorius, and his terrible noise he liked to called music, open it.

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