The Bathroom

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Rogers Arena was positively packed, and the line in front of the entrance was insane. Millie was so overwhelmed by how many people were there that she couldn't speak.

The arena was massive, and one had to crane their neck to see the top of it. Around seventeen or eighteen thousand people were in line to get their bags checked and turn in their tickets, and it was almost suffocating.

But Sadie, as always, was so ecstatic she could hardly breathe. "We're gonna see Calpurnia!" she wouldn't stop squealing. "In person!"

She was right, despite how obnoxious those words were getting. She was finally going to see her favorite band with her own eyes, close up and personal.

"Pretty good birthday present, huh?" Millie said, nudging her friend in the ribs with her elbow.

Sadie beamed at her, eyes shining. "It's the best birthday present in the entire world!"

Noah put his arms around her from behind and squeezed her tightly. "Even though you annoy the hell out of me, you're my favorite redhead," he said sweetly.

"Aww, thanks, Noah!" Sadie giggled. "You're my favorite gay guy."

Noah snorted with laughter and retracted his arms. "I'll try not to take offense at that."

The line moved painfully slow at first, but sped up a considerable amount after the first twenty minutes.

It was funny how they were almost two hours early and it was already this crowded. But then again, Millie had never really been to a concert and didn't know how these things worked.

She supposed if you wanted to get in quickly, you'd better camp in front of the gates for hours before they opened. Seemed logical enough.

"This line needs to move a little faster, cause I really need to use the restroom," the brunette complained.

"I think we're almost at the front," Noah reassured her, stretching as high as he could so as to see over the people in front of them. "Not too much further."

"Why didn't you go before we left?" Sadie asked.

"Because you made me go shopping!" Millie retorted. "This is all on you!"

"Okay, fair," Sadie admitted. "But look at yourself and tell me you're not glad we went shopping."

Millie smiled and looked down at her brand new dress and heels, appreciating how beautiful they were. The silk shone in the outside arena lights illuminating the darkness of the evening.

"Yeah. You're right. I am glad."

Sadie nodded, satisfied. "I knew it. Let this be a lesson to you to never doubt me."

Millie laughed and said, "Never again."

Finally, the three reached the front of the line and showed their tickets to the officers, then moved through the metal detector. They entered the arena with the flood of people making their way inside.

Once they were in the building, Noah turned to Millie to give her instructions. "We're second row on the floor, left hand side, right up next to the stage, seats B2, B3, and B4," he drilled into her mind. "We'll be right there."

Millie nodded. "Got it." Then she set off in search of a restroom.


Jacob's employees were preparing him for the opening, putting his mic around his ear for him, fixing the creases in his clothing, and dolling him up for an audience that wasn't even there for him.

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