Chapter 3

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Recap: You are now a scientist for the Sirens and you have just finished a prototype ship.

Back to present

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: My Empress, may I observe my creation as it is sent it to combat?

The Empress III: Yes you may.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: Thank you my Empress.

Mean While

Akagi: I hear that our friends have invented a new ship, is this true?

Observer Alpha: Yes it is.

Akagi: Good, you're here. Now we can start the party.

Akai then summons a few portals and the new ships come through the portals last.

Akagi: What kind of ship is this one?

???: I call it the G3 Battlecruiser.

???: I call it the G3 Battlecruiser

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Akagi: **gasp** Who are you?

???: That is classified.

Kaga: Akagi, they're here.

Akagi: R-right, anyway, let the fun begin.

Your view

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I can already see a few flaws in the design. She lacks fire power for her secondary armament, she needs more secondary batteries, she needs more powerful engines, and she needs more AA batteries. I will also need to mess around with her displacement.

Observer Alpha: How can you tell from just looking at her from here and not up close?

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: It takes a sharp eye to spot one flaw in a ships design from afar. But I still require a closer view. And I also need to she her turn radius. I have also worked on her armor angels.

Observer Alpha: Why?

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: If my calculations are correct, more shells should ricochet off of the armor because of the angels. Making her hard to sink. I have also worked on water tight compartments, so when torpedo's hit her, they don't cause her to sink as often. **shows her the design for the compartments**.

Observer Alpha: I hope your design doesn't fail.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: I do, because you can only learn from your mistakes and fails. Because you get to see why you failed ad why you made the mistake, then you can improve it and succeed.

Observer Zero: Now I understand why it has taken you 2 months to complete her.

Erich Alfred Otto von Mölder: To find and fix the mistakes in her design, learn from it, fix it, and then succeed.

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