Chapter Twenty-One

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Hermione was out the door early but fatigued. She didn't feel satisfied at home alone, and it exhausted her. It made it challenging to stomach her tea in the travel mug as she drove to Malfoy's house. She didn't have time to grab something to eat, so she just weathered the dissatisfaction.

She pulled into the driveway and reviewed her hair, making positive it was neatly bound behind her head. Narcissa waved as she approached with Draco and the door opened. It was almost amusing to see how professionally dressed the blond was, making Hermione take note of his attire. A gray suit with a muted green tie. Draco found his seat and plopped down.

"Dear, for the road," Narcissa declared as she reached over her son and handed Hermione a bag. "It isn't much, but it might be a bit more than you ate."

"I kindly informed my mother that you likely didn't rest," Draco grumbled and fixed his suit with the seat belt over him.

"You did, did you? When did you become my personal stalker, Draco Malfoy?" Hermione grumbled and Narcissa tutted. "Thank you for breakfast, Narcissa. My apologies."

"Take care of each other and drive safely," Narcissa said with a soft smile.

"Have a good day," Hermione declared, and the Malfoy matron shut the car door.

The woman started the car and pulled out with a polite wave to the watching mother. They were on the road well before anyone spoke which was never a great sign. Hermione was in a bad way. For an odd reason, she couldn't focus on the day ahead. Not distracting her enough not to be able to drive or function, but she was not feeling the excitement she thought she would about going to the office.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked finally.

Hermione hemmed. "I am just tired." Her hands squeezed the steering wheel a bit.

"Was your home too quiet?"

She waited a moment and debated if she wanted to agree with him. "Yes. Too much happened too suddenly."

"You know you can stay with us."

Hermione shook her head. "No, Draco, I cannot. Teddy is at school, and I have no purpose other than convenience to stay."

"Well, you wouldn't be driving back and forth," Draco remarked simple and dug in the bag in her lap after groping for it.

"I don't mind the driving," she responded, slapping his hand in the bag.

Draco yanked out a blueberry muffin and grimaced. "Well, what of some company? My mother loves yours."

"Draco, is there a purpose to you asking me to stay with you?" She asked carefully.

The blond man frowned and chewed his lip before speaking. "I miss hearing you wandering about in my home."

"I was there until late afternoon yesterday. I spent the night on Saturday. I was there five days a week for months. What are you talking about?"

"I grew used to it. Without you, it seems too quiet too," The Malfoy admitted and exhaled. "Just think about staying tonight? We can stop by your flat on the way back there, and you can pick up things. Come stay with me?"

"Are we going to talk about yesterday?" she questioned as her fingers ran on the wheel.

Draco finished chewing the last bit of the muffin and sounded. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Let me remind you of my bathroom in the guest room," Hermione said pointedly.

"Our kiss? That was very nice sober," He said, licking his fingers before reaching for a napkin in his suit inner pocket.

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