Chapter Nine

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Hermione was drumming her thumb on the steering wheel as her Bluetooth was ringing. She was very nervous, but she was going to talk to him. She needed to speak to him about this.

"Hermione, you never call me this early, what's wrong?" Harry's voice came through the speakers.

"Hey, Harry, I told Ginny this morning when I dropped off Teddy, but you guys are going to take him for me on Saturday." She started, and Harry made a puzzling sound.

"Okay but is there a special reason?" he asked.

Hermione chewed her lip and sighed. "I am going out on a date," she declared.

"With? Tell me it is with Oliver. I think he broke up with his girlfriend a couple of months back. Did he ask you out? I gave him your number," Harry offered, and Hermione choked on a laugh.

"You gave him my number?"

"Yes, did he ask you out or is it someone else. You wouldn't be calling me unless you needed to talk to me about it." He replied which made Hermione groan.

"I have to be completely out of my mind. I asked out Zabini yesterday," she admitted.

Harry's snort was loud and obnoxious on her speakers. "You asked him out? Why?"

"Temporary insanity? I just found out that Teddy is related to the Blacks and Malfoys. I was getting ready to go back to work, and he had been trying to get me to go out with him all afternoon. It just came out," she exhaled and turned on the Malfoys' road.

Harry was silent for a moment, and Hermione chewed her lips. "That makes sense about him being related. Sirius was always fond of Nymphadora and Andromeda. Must be another reason why Sirius was cheering giddy shrieks when Remus announced he asked Tonks to marry him." He paused and hemmed. "Hermione, is something going on you haven't talked about? You avoid talking about your job now. Are they good to you?"

"Too good, Harry. I am waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me and Draco has actually been mild." Hermione declared as she pulled into the driveway.

"Hermione- I just feel like there is something that happened that you aren't telling me," he urged, and she was glad he couldn't see her tinted cheeks.

"Harry- I just- it is silly," she grumbled and turned off her engine.

"Tell me. You just told me you asked out Blaise and I didn't even blink, I could snapchat it for you." He snickered, and Hermione huffed.

"Draco is different now. Really different, actually. He is still a prick, but there are moments like yesterday that stun me," she confessed, and Harry groaned.

"My god, don't tell me you have an infatuation with Draco bloody Malfoy. King of pompous," he said, and Hermione furrowed her brow.

"No, I don't. That is absolutely mental for you even to suggest!" she snapped.

"So, it is just the boss thing? Well, everyone crushes on a boss once in their life for just the authority of it all. Something risky about their power over you. Hermione, you are normal. Just do me a favor. Go on a few dates. Zabini may be a cad, but at least he is taking you out. Gin and I will watch Teddy every weekend if that means you will start to do something good for yourself," he insisted, and Hermione sighed.

"Alright, Harry. I got to go, but I will see you Sunday at mum and dads," she declared.

Harry mumbled agreement, and they hung up the phone. Hermione pressed her forehead against the steering wheel and exhaled. He was right, what was she even thinking? Satisfied with settling her mind, she climbed from the car and walked up the steps. The door opened, and Astoria came strolling out.

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