"Yes..." I whimper.

"You don't have to talk about it right now, Isabella," he whispered, messing with a piece of my hair.

"I kinda wanna, but I scawed," I cuddle into his chest. He smelled really good. Gentle. Like downy and vanilla.

"How about this," he readjusted me so that I sat on his knee, "when you can look me in the eye for ten seconds at one time, you can tell me. Because if you can do that," he tucked me to him, "you'll be able to trust me," I placed my ear against his chest.

"Otay," I smiled, sipping my juice.

"I hate to do this, Isabella,  but I have to go home," he smiled at me and gently moved me off his lap.

"It's otay," I yawn and cuddle Bubs.

"Okay, little one," text me if you need anything. I can't remember if I put my number in your phone or not, so I did again after I called Chase. Okay? Do not hesitate to call or text me," he kissed my forehead and I blushed.

"Wait," I called, standing up. Cole turned back to me and smiled, crouching down. I ran to him and kissed his cheek before returning to my spot on the couch. Cole laughed and watched me, grabbing his hoodie and saying goodbye before exiting the front door. I waited until I heard the roar of his car's engine fading in the distance to squeal. I kicked my legs and hugged Bubs close. A cheek kiss was really close to the lips.

I'm insane


"Chase!" I yelled happily across the parking lot. He was leaning on his truck, waiting for me. his eyes widened when he saw my outfit.

"What are you wearing?" he asked demandingly. I blushed. I was wearing a red and black plaid skirt, my thigh highs, and a long-sleeve, off-the-shoulder black shirt. don't forget about my red suspenders and Converse. I felt cute. I even put my hair in space buns.

"Clothes," I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. 

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, bub. Now what was the emergency?" he asks. I smile and fill him in on everything that happened the day before.

Chase stood at my locker as I filled him in, a devilish smile framing his lips.

"What?" I asked.

"You have a huge crush on him," he booped my nose and I squealed.

"It's not a big crush," I whined, grabbing my books, struggling to grab something from the shelf on top. Chase handed it to me and shut my locker.

"Just be careful, Bee. Remember what happened with Atticus," he whispered, grabbing my hand. I shivered at the name and hung my head low.

"Sorry, I know you don't like it when I bring him up, but I'm just worried about you. I like Cole, but Atticus was our friend too," he tipped up my chin and I nodded. Movement caught the corner of my eye and I looked up. Cole was at his locker, running a hand through the waves on the top of his head. He was smiling, his bright, white teeth showing. But then I saw who he was smiling at. Abigail. Very pretty. Straight brown hair and deep brown eyes. She always kept her hair in a high ponytail. She had beautiful blue glasses that I admired. 

Chase followed my eyes to Abigail.

"It's okay, Bee. She's very friendly," Chase whispered. I nodded and made my way to class, past Cole. Abigail was giggling and pawing playfully at his arm. He laughed along with her and shut his locker. As we passed, I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"Sorry, Abby, I have to go, excuse me," he said politely. Then he was beside me, smiling down at me.

"Hey, Ella," his deep masculine voice soothed my head, and I resisted the urge to lean into him.

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