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Art made by me

Request: FanficRAT

No ones POV 

Two specific demons were always found fighting, anyone caught in the middle of the fight will be somehow brought into the argument. The person caught in the crossfire this time was, Charlie. "Charlie, tell this bone head of a deer, I am useful" The thin innocent blond girl gulped, not wanting to end up on Alastor's bad side or Angel's bad side. "Oh please Angel, You're nothing more than a mere toy for people to pleasure themselves" Alastor barked at Angel still standing his ground. Charlie felt bad knowing Angel had no choice but to join the porn industry, Angel looked down at his feet, hand balled into a fist. "I didn't know better, It was either the porn industry or staying with my dad who is in fact homophobic and my treated like royalty stupid, spoiled brother!" Angel shouted making Alastor finally fall silent, angel finally relaxed from the argument, making his way back to the room, Leaving Alastor alone with his thoughts and regrets on what he said to Angel.

Alastor's POV

What did I say to Angel? I'm such an idiot. It's only fair I apologize, it's the right thing to do. I never felt like apologizing was important, it's an empty lie when you apologize, you're never actually sorry for what you've done to another individual. But, now I really felt bad. I walked up to Angel's room, following the sound of quiet sobs that fill my ears.

Charlie's POV

I saw Alastor leave, to find angel most likely. I turned to Vaggie, who also looked worried. "Do you think he'll be alright?" Vaggie questioned, I noticed that a concerned tone laced her voice which is not common. "We can only hope" I answered, turning back to the way Angel and Alastor left, I balled my hand to a fist and covered with the other,  not as if I were angry but more worried. I decided to visit my father for help with Vaggie as moral support. I went inside the building to be greeted by small goat demons who hurriedly pushed Vaggie and I to a room where my father and mother were sitting, sipping tea. "Why hello Charlie, and Vaggie"my mother said, I waved "Hello mother, and father. I have a problem." Lucifer looked up from sipping the tea, placing it on top of the coffee table, walking toward a shelf full of potions. He pulled out a potion. "Here love, try this" I stared at the potion, it was red potion faded into a hot pink, I nodded as I looked at Vaggie who had a suspicion on the potion from the way she eyed it. We walked backed to the hotel in caution and suspicion on the potion and what it does. Vaggie and I tried to figure out a way to trick them to drink it. We decided to mix it in with an alcoholic drink they both enjoy. We snuck pass a drunk husk, stealing glasses and alcohol, pouring in alcohol into the glass a bit of alcohol slipping from the sides of the glass and then getting a syringe like tool to put the potion in, using a spoon to mix the liquids together. Vaggie took a cup to Angel and I took the other to Alastor. "Hey Alastor I brought you a cup of your favorite alcohol" Alastor turned towards me, smiling  and taking the alcohol as I walked to see Vaggie already waiting after a few minutes, Vaggie and I heard two people yell our names 

No ones POV

Angel and alastor were both terrified that they both have turned human and looked exactly like they did when they were alive , screaming out the names of the people who gave them the drink. Angel and Alastor ran out of their room to switch roles with the girls and lecturing them but, when they stumbled to the lobby Angel and Alastor found both were human "Anthony?" Alastor called out turning to angel, eyes wide just like Angel's. Angel covered his mouth, his eyes filling with tear. They knew each other since when they were alive they used to rob banks and cause trouble in different cities with another criminal till they both died, Alastor died because he was mauled by dogs and a gun shot to the head and Angel died from a drug overdose. Angel touched Alastor's  cheek to make sure he was not dreaming eventually pulling Alastor into a warm hug now that they were almost the same size, angel still slightly taller than Alastor.

Small time skip

Angel and Alastor had been chatting for the pass couple of hours bout their favorite crime they've done and how much they missed each other and started to get lovey dovey with each other a couple of touches and hugs from the two demons. Hours have passed and both Angel and Alastor have grown concerned about when the potion will wear off, Charlie reassured them that it should wear off soon. They went back to bar chatting once more. "I really did miss our adventures, Anthony" Alastor said beginning a conversation with Angel. "I did as well, Smiles" Angel responded with a swirl of his alcohol glass. "Can't believe we've meant once again after death"  Angel commented looking up from his wine glass toward Alastor, Smiling calmly, Leaning back in his chair, now looking forward, eyes closed. "Angel, why don't you cook like you did back when we were alive?" Alastor questioned only getting a chuckle as a response from Angels "And why don't you play the piano like you did when we were alive?" Angel said in a smug like tone back to Alastor who just like Angel chuckled as a response. Alastor grabs Angel's hand to which Angel gladly takes, Alastor smiles at Angel now guiding him to the middle of lobby as they swayed, dipped, and twirled to the radio Alastor had turned on. Angel was wrapped in Alastor's arms, Angel turned to look  at Alastor, only to get a kiss from Alastor to which Angel returned without hesitation or a second thought. Angel and Alastor both knew they loved the other and would love to be in each others life so that's what they did.

Thank you so much for 1k views on my book, it really means a lot that people actually enjoy my writing which  I never thought anyone would like since I still got much more improving to do. Forgive me for leaving a lot of things a mystery as in, how did Lucifer know what potion to give Charlie? Or like why Angel and Alastor argue but, do forgive me for leaving things a mystery and once again thank you so much, for 1k views I still can't believe. I intended to make this a quick short chapter but it ended up being my longest one shot I believe with a total of 1175 words. See you guys in the next one shot.

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