Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

I want to die.

"Awwn poor Iris couldn't say no?" She puckered her lips, her wide eyes blinking rapidly. In just a flash, that expression changed into something vile. "You're pathetic and weak!" she smiled. "This must hurt a lot, well I couldn't wish for a better punishment than heartbreak."

Well, she was right about one thing. "Your punishment for being soft, I'm going to give you the child and you're going to have to watch him grow. Under the love and care of both his parents." She was right behind me now. "A child who will never be yours, a title you will never carry."

I tilted my head to the side, looking her in the eyes. "Is that a curse?"

Honestly, I thought her finding out about my mate would be the worst-case scenario, but here she is giving the baby to me with no attachments. Heartbreak can only happen when one is in love, that I am not.

"Boo bitch!"

I feigned pain. And I could feel her satisfaction from all the way across the room.

She disappeared for a bit and returned with a small child wrapped up in a red cloth.

I took the child and looked at her. "Too bad it's not mine," I sighed. "I should go now. Tell everyone I said hi."

"It's not over, sister," Lily shot me a paralyzing glare. "We'll be meeting again"

I shut my eyes, and I woke up.


I opened my eyes, shutting them again after the bright light assaulted my eyes. I opened them again and tried to get accustomed to the brightness of the room I was in. After spending so much time in that eerie darkness, my eyes needed some time to adjust. I sat up in the bed and realized I was in Alpha Malik's room. The fool. It was dangerous to move my body. If I wasn't already an expert in Astro projection, I may not have been able to find my way back. I got up out of bed, now the fun was beginning. I ran out of my room as quickly as I could, down the stairs, taking it two at a time.

"Luna," a familiar voice spoke behind me, halting my run. I turned around and met bright yellow eyes, Leonard.

"You're awake," I smiled at him. He was one of the few people I liked since I've been here.

"I am." I nodded. "And while I would love to stay and chat, I have a baby to deliver."

He nodded immediately. Do you see? Very sensible, he lead me out of the pack house and pulled up the car for me to get in. The hospital was pretty far. Almost immediately, we got to the hospital, and we both ran out. Malik was at the door immediately. I guessed Leonard had already mind-linked him that I was awake. I arrived, and although my insides begged me to run into his arms and bury myself in his already neck length brown locks. I decided to remain sensible and brush past him. He held my forearm before I could waltz away. Pulling me back.

"Iris," his voice was low and commanding.

I turned to face him and tilted my head.

"Look, I don't have time for you right now," a look of hurt flashed through his features before it disappeared, replaced by a grim one. "That pup is coming out now." his eyes widened.

"I don't think she has completed all the months," he stuttered as he followed behind me. I rolled my eyes. Who would have thought the feared and crazed Alpha actually had affection? I cursed myself internally for allowing this to hurt me. Still. I needed to get away from him and immediately. As soon as that pup came out, Aria and I were gone.

I bumped into the doctor as I practically ran to the she wolves room. "Prep for surgery." He brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Because we need to take that baby out now!" His brows went up, the black, sleek hair taunting me.

"Okay, Luna? We did another scan while you were out. And there is no baby. Fiona already knows. It devastated her for sure. She also knows that the thing in her belly is draining her, but she has accepted everything."

Why the hell do these people keep questioning and undermining me? I tried to keep calm, but I could feel my wolf taking over. I growled. Raphael took a step back. As I opened my mouth to tell as him a nurse ran to us.

"Dr. Raphael, she's in labor!"

"What? That is impossible!" He harumphed, his gaze meeting mine.

Oh, the shock!

I gave him an 'I told you so' look. That fixed it.

"How is that possible?" He muttered to himself.

"Because I said so," I replied and looked at the nurse. "Take me." she nodded.

And we both ran, then it occurred to me, Malik wasn't behind me. He must have stopped following me.

After I washed my hands and slapped the gloves on, I walked in.

The she-wolf screamed, gosh she looked like she was suffering. Immediately, I walked up to her and held her down. She was sweating so much. Her platinum locks sticking to her head.

"Hey, um... I'm gonna need you to conserve all that energy so you can push for me, honey." I stroked her hair, pushing the locks that stuck to her face away.

"Are you the Luna that slept to bring back my baby?" She asked weakly.

Slept!? This is why I don't like her. Imagine the insolence of this wolf. Here I was, putting my life and interests in jeopardy, and she called it sleep. Sleep?

"I wouldn't call it sleeping, missy," I forced a smile.

"Well, probably you were out for like three days. Did it work?"

"Well, you're in labour aren't you" I walked to the end of the bed grabbing a sheet to cover her legs with. Wait, a minute. "Did you say three days?"

"70 hours to be exact," a chilly voice that I recognized all too well.


Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now