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"As you know everyone Kathrine has been through a very traumatic experience. I hope that everyone in this house can treat her respectfully. If I hear of anyone hurting her they will be punished." Is what I heard ringing through my head when I woke up. He doesn't have to tell everyone that. I haven't came out of Jeff's room in days. Isolating myself from the world. Jeff came in with a plate of food. "Hey Kathrine. I know that you are not gonna want this but you have to eat sometime." He got close to me. "Please for me?" He begged. I didn't want to eat. But i grabbed the plate and started to eat slowly. He was right. I couldn't starve myself. "Jeff?" "Yes. You need anything?" "Can you bring me some water please?"  I asked him. He shook his head yes and got up. He came back a second later and gave me some water I gulped it down and finished the food slowly. "Thanks" I said to Jeff. He smiled. He wanted me to come out of the room but I couldn't. But today I wanted to. I stood up and went to Jeff's closet. I grabbed one of his hoodies and slipped it on. He followed me as I slowly turned the knob on the door and stepped out. I went to my room and opened the door. I went to my closet and grabbed some pants Jeff sat on the bed. I went to my bathroom and into the shower. Making sure to lock the door behind me. I took off my clothes and got in.

⚠️ cutting ⚠️

I saw a razor as I got in and grabbed it. ~do it~ those words rung in my head. I took out the razor blade and began to cut. One cut. The blood ran down. Two cuts, three cuts, four. I stopped as I got light headed and rinsed the blood off my arm. I got out and got dressed. Brushing my hair neatly and putting it in a messy bun I open the door. Jeff smiled at me when he saw me. He was proud of me. I was moving around. I was being productive. "I'm really happy Kathrine. I'm happy your finally feeling better." I smiled a fake smile at him. I didn't want to disappoint him. We walked out of my room and doctor smiley saw us. "Kathrine! So nice to see you again!" He hugged me. I smiled and walked off. Next pink came up to me. " hey Kathrine. I made this cupcake special for you. No ponies." I smiled again and took it. Walking away we are greeted by others. The day goes along me fake smiling people thinking I'm okay. But then Jeff grabs my arm and I hiss in pain. He looks at me confused. He takes me away from everyone. "Kathrine.  Are you okay?" I start to tear up but try to smile. He pulls up my sleeves and frowns. "K-Kathrine. Don't ever do this to yourself again you understand me? You are here now. Nobody's ever gonna hurt you again. I promise" he pulled me in for a hug and I let it all out. I couldn't do this. So I sobbed into Jeff's chest until I couldn't anymore. He grabbed me and took me up to my room. And layed me on the bed. He knew I wanted to be alone. He kissed me on the forehead and walked out. I drifted off slowly. Thinking of Jeff.

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