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     The next morning was uneventful to say the least, Kevin was just happy to have gotten some sleep, though the lonely feeling hadn't subsided. He checked his phone while having a cup of coffee with his breakfast. He dismissed the notificstions as he looked through them, he smiled a bit when he saw Sammie has mentioned him again.

I watched a few of your videos last night.

Kevin could of sworn he felt his heart dropped into his stomach. It's not like he was ashamed of his videos, but he didn't really warn Sammie what kind of videos he did... what if he didn't like them? or thought Kevin was weird and disturbed? He almost didn't text back, but after a few minutes if consideration he started typing.

Oh no, I didn't tell you to do that!

lol, at least I know the type of person I'm dealing with
You're quite funny, seems like you have fun.

It has its moments... Still I wish I could of given you a small warning about the videos I make

Hey, whats the fun in that?
ugh, another meeting, if I have to redo this damn campaign one more time, I'm killing everyone... wish me luck, I'll message you in my free time, have a good day!

Yeah, you too, good luck!

Kevin's nerves calmed down, at least Sammie didn't think he was a freak. It wasn't often he had a chance to make new friends, or kept in touch with people, he had a problem with messaging or calling first, he just didn't want to feel like a bother.

He spent the rest of the day filming, editing, and answering emails. He even managed to get his house cleaned up a bit. One of his group chats on discord was going off so he was talking to his friends on there while winding down for the night, shoving spoon fulls of Mac and Cheese into his mouth - which may or may not have been just a bowl of noodles with shredded cheese melted over it.

Kevins phone pinged and he glanced down at it. Message from Sammie.

Yo, Wanna go get drinks together?

He glanced from his bowl of noodles to his computer, he wasn't really doing anything important.

Sure, what bar?

Kevin got up putting his bowl in the fridge for later, and pulling on some jeans. He made sure he looked presentable before going out. He walked to the bar Sammie told him, and went in.

Kevin ordered a drink and glanced around, he caught sight of Sammie sitting in the back scrolling through his phone. He paid and walked back.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting" Kevin gave a smile as he sat down.

"Oh, no, I invited you out last minute after all"

Kevin got a good look at Sam, he looked tired, his hair was a lot messier then yesterday, dark circles under his eyes. However his eyes were still full of life, they had a energy to them that his body didn't seem to have. Sammie yawned for and fiddled with the handle of his cup. Kevin watched the crowd for a moment before turning back to Sammie.

"How did the meeting go?" Kevin broke the silence first.

"Horrible, there making me do the damn campaign over because the whole product itself got revamped" Sammie groaned running his hand through his messy locks "but boss promises we would get paid a little more so whatever I guess" he sighed taking a drink "I didn't come to talk about work though, what did you do all day?"

Kevin explained what he did, he thought his life must sound pretty boring, but Sammie kept and interested look on his face. They talk about casual things for awhile Kevin looks out toward the people every now and then, sometime catching one or two staring, he furrows his eyebrows.

"You know why there staring?" Kevin finally asked nodding over toward the other tables.

Sammie gaves a shrug "Maybe we make a cute couple" he jokes, Kevin feels his cheeks warm a bit "or maybe mr.Youtube has some fans" he teased.

Kevin's face got warmer and he quickly changed the subject of conversation.

"So why did you ask me to come out?" He asked.

"I don't have manh friends?" He questioned, it seemed more aimed at himself then Kevin "most of my friends are work colleeges these days, and I don't want to talk about how the company's doing, or Barba's dumb or some other shitty office gossip" he huffed "and you seemed pretty cool... it helps that you're cute"

Another joke that Kevin can only force out a laugh and blush at - at least he assumes it a joke, Sammie laughs afterwards. They stay for a bit longer before getting up to leave, Sammie offerse to walk him home and Kevin now quite wanting the night to end yet, agrees.

Most of the walk is comfortable silence, only breaking the silence to talk about random things - its completely comfortable.

"Do you live far from here?" Kevin asked, not even thinking about how far Sammie might have to walk back.

The shorter male gives a shrug "I'll order an uber" he states.

"Well come inside and wait at least"

"Okay, but I don't sleep with a fella on the first date" Sammie jokes walking inside with him.

"Is that what this was? Well dang, if I had known that I would of dressed a little nicer" He attmepts to joke, despite feeling comfortable around Sammie, his awkard still has to peek out.

"If you want, sure... if not whatever" The boy shrugs, seemingly not caring about it.

Kevin wonders how the boy can seem so chill all the time, it was like nothing could effect the boy. Kevin wished he could be like that, things could get under his skin so easily, they could effect him so hard. It seems to hit him a little late that Sammie wouldn't mind calling this a date... but with him? He barley understood sexuality as a general concept, let alone his own.

"Um, maybe just friends" Kevin said "for now" he was quick to add afterward.

Sammie seemed to busy himself with looking around Kevins living room, at the trinkets and other things hes collected.

"huh?... oh" he seemed to get what he said before Kevin had to repeate himself "loosen up a bit Kevo, it's not that serious" he smirks at the male.

Kevin thought it was serious, to him it was...

"Anyway, I think I'm going to cancle that uber... It sucha beautiful night, I'd hate to wast it in someone's crappy car" he said starting to walk toward the door.

Kevin feel's like he made it awkward, like maybe Sam was just trying to get away from him, but something so genuine in his voice.

"At least take a sweater from me" he quickly walked to catch up with the boys movements.

"I'll be fine mom" Sammie tease turning around to pinch his cheek lightly "I'll text you when I get home so you know I wasn't murdered or kidnapped" he says before opening the door "oh uh.. I had a good time Kev, tanks for coming out with me"

Something about that calmed the taller one, he watched the other leave down the side walk from the door for a moment before shutting it. He leaned against the door and rubbed his face groaning. He slid to the floor sitting down with his legs sprawled out. That loneliness had subsided for now. He waited by the door until atext finally came through.

Made it home, didn't get murdered

Good to hear :) though I have a sneaking suspicion that anyone attacking you would be worse off.

Ah smart boy!
I'm clocking out, you get sleep too, night!


Kevin staired at the message for a bit, his eyes blurring from being sleepy, he was up past his normal 'bedtime' so he figured he should listen to Sammie and got up off the floor smiling as he went to he bedroom and cralwed into bed, only bothering to kick off his shoes and jeans before hand. He passed out almost right away.

Not Even in My Dreams; c.m.kWhere stories live. Discover now