
Start from the beginning

"You okay Logan?"

Shaking his head to release him from the trance he was in, Logan looked at his mom. "Yeah, of course. Let's go."

Grabbing Elena's hand with one hand and the cookies with the other, the little family walked across the street to a house they never thought would look alive again.

Lisa knocked on the door. You could hear the movement of feet on other side of the door when a nice looking man opened it.

"Hi! We're your neighbors across the street! We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, and give you some welcome cookies!"

Taking the plate from Logan, Lisa handed the cookies to the nice looking man with a large smile on her face.

"Thank you, that's very sweet" The man gave Lisa a grateful smile showing off his pearly whites.

"It's no problem. My son helped me bake them." Lisa said with a wide grin.

She elbowed Logan in the chest, hitting him out of his daydream. Logan rubbed the back of his neck not entirely sure what the two had just been talking about. He looked over at the man and then to his mother who had an expecting smile on her face, subtly motioning for him to engage in the conversation.

"Uhh, yes?" Logan stuttered out an answer.

Kevin let out a heart filled laugh at the baffled boy. Logan's cheeks filled with heat as he looked down and chuckled awkwardly. His ears also holding a light pink color l.

"Your mom was just saying how you helped with the cookies" Kevin said with a chuckle.

Logan's mouth made an "O" shape as he again blushed and nodded.

"Oh yeah I did, although if she keeps telling people that it might ruin my bad boy image." Logan joked with a lopsided grin on his face, dimples clearly showing.

Again Kevin let out another loud laugh that attracted a woman from inside the house to come up behind him.

"Kevin, who's at the door? All I hear is laughter" a beautiful smile filled her face as her husband put his arm around her waist pulling her body close to his.

The lady probably around her mid 40's had ginger brown hair and brown eyes. She had some curves to her, and definitely wasn't the skinniest, but was beautiful regardless, not only in but out as well.

Kevin on the other hand was pretty tall standing at about 6'3, a contrast to his wife's 5'7 form. He looked to be pure muscle and not someone you would want to mess with.

"Hi! We're your neighbors, and we brought you some welcome cookies!" Lisa said with another smile.

The lady's face brightened, if it was even possible.

"Oh that's so sweet, I'm Rose and this is my husband Kevin, and we have a daughter, she's upstairs at the moment, but her name's Blair." She said with a smiling face.

Logan's head shot up at the mention of the name. The name he had been avoiding since 7th grade. He hadn't heard or said her name in a long time. Now another girl with the same name coincidentally lived in the same house as his best friend once had?

"Well, I'm Lisa, this is Logan and this is Elena and my husband's at the store, but we live in the tan house right across the street. "

Lisa pointed to the two-story house with burgundy shutters that contrasted very nicely to the tan complexion.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you, that was very sweet"

"And thanks for the cookies!" Kevin added

"It was no problem! No one's lived in this house for a while now so we thought we could just welcome you with open arms."

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