Attraction Denial

Start from the beginning

The problem, Anjali reflected, was that nobody was telling them to shut up. Buaji was more focused on covering up for them, Payal was too nice, while Akash, NK, Naniji and Anjali were all too polite.

Perhaps if Arnav were here, he could've told them to put a sock in it. Or maybe even Khushi Ji.

The kids were even worse. When Aarav had shown them his toys, they'd played with them so roughly that they'd broken one. When Aarav protested, they'd made fun of him. Anjali had stepped in and firmly told them to stop and then Vristi had gotten offended. Okay, seriously? She hadn't been bothered by her kids' behavior but she was upset when anyone even remotely disciplined them?

Chote, where are you? Get here already.

As if in answer to her thoughts, Arnav walked into the dining room. To everyone's great surprise, Khushi followed him in.

"Khushi Didi!" Aarav cheered, running up to her and wrapping his arms around her legs.

"Hey, Aarav!" Bending down to his level, she said, "I heard you missed me a lot so I had to come."

"Really? You came just for me!"


"How come she gets all the credit? I'm the one who went to get her," Arnav teased.

"Thank you, Chote Mamaji!" He let go of Khushi to hug Arnav.

Khushi snorted. "Chote Mamaji?" she mouthed.

He gave her a look.

"I'm glad you were able to make it, Khushi Ji," Devyani said. "Please have a seat."

As Khushi took her seat, Payal sent her a look that clearly said they'd talk about this later.

Arjun Bhai said what they were all thinking, "Why'd he go and get you? And why'd you even come with him?"

"Aarav," they answered simultaneously.

"Aarav's been going on about her all this time; he'd have sulked for days if she didn't show up," Arnav expanded.

"And when he told me how much Aarav was looking forward to seeing me, I couldn't say no."

"Well I'm glad you could make it after all, Khushi," NK said. "How's everything going? Looks like you're really busy with that case of yours."

"Yup. But I think my work will pay off. I've got a lot planned for the court case."

"You shouldn't--" Arjun started to say.

"Really?" NK said loudly. "Like what?"

"Well, I can't say much, obviously, but let's just say that news report is only the tip of the iceberg."

"I was wondering about that," Anjali said. "Was it really you behind it? How did you get Arun Misra to allow that?"

"Unfortunately, Anjali Ji, I can't talk about it. It involves some secrets that aren't mine to share."

"Aren't you--" Vristi said.

"You should have seen her the day before," Payal interrupted. "Secret meetings, secret phone calls--she was like a secret agent."

Arjun opened his mouth. But Devyani beat him to it. "But they didn't talk about the case in the news report. We only that they're accused of..." she glanced at the children and censored herself, "running an illegal business but we still don't know anything about the actual accusers."

Khushi thought of the email that Arun Misra had sent her this morning. "You'll be hearing about it soon enough, Devyani Ji. The delay is because it's a rather...delicate situation and certain precautions need to be taken."

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