41-Of A Knight And A Pen

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The sun is falling.

My world is changing.

I knew I should be feeling more but I wasn't.

I felt nothing.

I spoke nothing.

Because I was nothing.

Nothing but an object serving its purpose.

The last three days since we got back to Reidonia passed by like a blur while the world continued to spin as the palace bustled with the preparations, I sat and stood where I was told to, feeling absolutely numb. I was dead inside. If my body was going to be used in this game like a chess piece, I would not let them have my mind and heart into it too. They can have the Princess, dress her up, put on the best tiara on her head, sit her on the throne, place her wherever they want, but not Maiena. Not me.

Nikolai made sure I followed. He confined me in my room and only allowed me to visit Papa for a couple of hours in the morning when I would sit by his bedside and hold his hand in silence, wondering if he wasn't lying there in an induced coma, would things be any different for me?

At night, Lady Marian slept in my room to make sure I didn't sneak out. To be honest, I lost the energy to do so. It would be useless anyway.

I decided to live the rest of my days before the ceremonies in mental solitude like a hermit. No. Not a hermit. Like a prisoner in death row waiting for my sentence to be carried out.

And Aidan? Nikolai ordered his transfer to the front post which meant he was sent to supervise the guards by the palace gates, just mere three kilometers away from me. So near yet so far. Day and night, I wondered how he was but I never knew since the Regent took my phone away and I refused to speak to anyone.

"Your Highness..." Cora called softly as she gently held my hand. I looked up at her. We were sitting down for afternoon tea.

She was different today. She looked tensed and nervous. Her eyes moved around quickly while the maids left the room. She sighed in relief when we were finally alone. I knew she was dying to talk to me about something and couldn't speak around them.

She poured tea for me while she listened to their footsteps walk away from my door. Even when she was sure no one could hear, she still whispered when she finally spoke to me. "There's someone here to see you."

My heart suddenly stopped in my chest as I quietly gaped at her. I held my breath as I waited for her to continue.

"It's not Aidan." She said. "I'm sorry." She added. Probably seeing the disappointment in my eyes.

"But he's here for him." She smiled softly and patted my hand.

Gali. It must be Gali. For some reason he's been away too. I was told he was training the new squires in the Falkurina estate while Sir Gerardo was busy helping the Regent with the affairs of the state.

Since I was being kept inside my room anyway, they assigned the younger Elite Knights Sirs Kenton and Jasper as my close-in security.

"Should I send him in?" She asked and I nodded my head.

She quickly ran to the door and opened it then looked left and right to see if Lady Marian was around. When she was sure she wasn't, she then signaled for someone to get inside. A tall man around Aidan's height slipped through the door then Cora quickly closed it.

I stared at the Knight standing beside my friend. It wasn't Gali either. It was their cousin Desmond.

"Your Highness..." He courteously bowed then walked towards me.

I was surprised when he suddenly went down on one knee beside me. I stared at him in silence. "Forgive me, Your Highness." He whispered as he looked down as if deeply embarrassed of something.

"For what?" I asked. He looked up and I met his gaze. There was a mix of remorse, sadness and sympathy in his green eyes. He was probably just feeling sorry for me but I felt there was more to it. "Speak, Sir." I commanded.

He shook his head and looked down again. "I... I can't... I can't tell you, Your Highness. Forgive me." He sobbed. "B-but... I swear to make this right." He looked at me again. "You don't deserve this, my Lady."

"I don't understand." I frowned. "What have you done, Desmond?"

He shook his head again and wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I... I really can't tell you right now."

"Then what are you even doing here? Asking for my forgiveness when you won't even confess your fault." I asked irately. It was the first time I showed any real emotion for days, and it was anger.

"I'm here for my cousin Aidan." He said as he reached inside his pocket to produce a letter that he kept there. He bowed his head as he handed it to me.

"Your Highness, I don't want to ask for too much. Lord knows I don't deserve it. But I want you to know that I genuinely care about you like a sister and I love my cousin dearly." He looked up at me again. "I'm really sorry. I promise you that I will risk everything to make this right." He told me the second time and I still didn't understand what he did to want to "risk everything".

With that, he bowed then with his head still down, he got up and left.

For a while, I stared at the closed door from which he has exited, puzzled.

I looked down at the envelope in my hands and saw my name written in Aidan's neat handwriting.

One by one tears flowed down my face as I opened the envelope and read my beloved's message. It was short and sweet.

My beloved Maiena,

My world crumbled when you left me that night but hearing how you have been since then, made everyday a living hell.

I fear this hell will be the life I will live for the rest of my days.

Only one thing can save me, my love... Your smile. Knowing you are happy is my salvation.

Living everyday for you,

When I finished reading, I turned to Cora who has been watching me all along. I wiped my tears. With a renewed determination, I said, "I need your help."

"Finally, you're back." She smirked.



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