52-Of A New Light

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When Crown Prince Nikolai left, I made sure that I was right there beside the Princess. With the King still in an induced coma, Aidan in the Orient and the Crown Prince away for the treaty, she must have felt lonely and a little scared especially with her being left to head the affairs of the nation. Princess Maeina was raised to be graceful. She's also very brave and willful but she is still a little Princess who could be shaken when the people she love and trust the most leave her side. Although, no one could tell from her strong and elegant appearance, those closest to her could. I could.

I thought she would be happy to see me but instead of a bright smile and warm hug to welcome my return to her side, I got a full ten-minute non-stop questioning and nagging for not staying in bed when my injury has not fully recovered. I didn't feel bad though. I was used to this little Princess's particular attitude that seems to be dedicated to me. I found it cute how she thought she had grown up enough to lecture me like a mother.

I would've tried to reason that I felt well enough to accompany her in her Regency duties or could've gotten more of her adorable ranting if father hadn't entered the study with a report of the country's concerns that needed her immediate attention. Hail, Lord Marquis Gerardo and his never-ending workload. He just saved my ears. For the entire morning, the Princess Regent was kept busy with work while I enjoyed the quiet corner where I watched her serious expression as she cleverly and efficiently thought of solutions and gave her decisions on the pressing matters.

The longer I stayed watching my little Princess sit behind the large wooden desk in front of the huge window with the sun beams gently touching her slightly furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips as she deliberated important decisions that would affect the entire nation, the more I realized how that cute little doe-eyed girl with a smile brighter than sunshine who jumped on my back for a piggyback ride and pestered me for hours to get her ice cream has really grown up into a beautiful and admirable woman.

Finally, it was lunch time and my father informed Princess Maeina that she could rest in the afternoon as there were no events for her to attend and no more issues that required her attention. I was relieved to hear that. She has only been working for a few hours and she already looked exhausted but she still faced my father with grace and decisively gave her orders which must be more exhausting.

When father left, Princess Maeina's fierce gaze immediately fell upon me and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I almost felt like calling my father back to give her more work to do because I knew since she won't be busy being Regent, she would be busy scolding me again non-stop. I wouldn't complain because she would still be adorable and because ever since I swore an oath to protect her when she was young, I also accepted my fate to always be by her side all my life--tantrums, rants and all. I figured no woman would ever want a mute Knight to be her husband so if I couldn't get a wife, I better give this little Princess all the nagging rights.

With her eyed firmly glued on me, she rose from seat and determinedly marched towards me. She looked very discontented. I abruptly stood up and smiled at her to ease her mood but that didn't work. She just snatched my wrist and quickly walked out of the study.

"Come with me, Sir Gali." She commanded in a soft but certain tone that could make anyone follow. It was a command that I have heard a million times from her over the years yet so different from the words of the bright-eyed little Princess to the warm but subduing expression of this Regent.

I dared not refute. She just snatched my wrist and quickly walked out of the study. Sir Eduardo met us outside the door and bowed to the Princess.

She stopped but didn't let go of me. "Sir Eduardo, please let the maids serve lunch for me and Sir Gali in my chamber." She ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Her royal butler answered and stepped back with a bow.

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