As the words left my mouth, Blue walked out our house holding Mikey in her palm. My baby had his shell painted orange. He looked beautiful. Blue is feeding him a piece of watermelon and he is happily eating it.

She shifted her gaze over to us and let out a small chuckle at our expressions. Isaac laughed out loud with his full chest, "Never thought i'd see the day where you care about anything but yourself."

He stood up, easily towering Blue's 5'8 figure with his 6'1 one. He tapped on the middle of her forehead with his index finger then walked away. Her face scrunched with disgust.

Deanne let out a cute giggle and turned towards me. "You got your answer." She pulled me up. "Please go shower, your smell is making me nauseous." They all let out a laugh, even the damn turtle. I could feel him mocking me.

I walked past them and went upstairs to my room. My room stayed exactly how i left it. After locking the door behind me, i opened my drawer and grabbed a joint. I lit it up trying to get rid of this uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Why can't i smoke in peace?

I laughed on my own for a while, smoke surrounded me and it looks really funny. I finished the whole joint making my room smell like weed. My eyes were puffy but it wasn't enough, yet i wasn't in the mood to grab another joint.

Looking over at the pink towel laying on my bed, i remembered that i was meant to be showering. I stripped my clothes of before grabbing the towel. As i took them off they made a crunchy noise from the dried blood.


The first thing i did as i entered the bathroom is stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is started to curl back to normal. My Peruvian heritage is starting to show, after this shower i'm sure my hair will go back to it's big curly state.

Grabbing all the stuff i needed from the counter and then placing them near my shower. After turning on the shower i obviously walked in, let me tell you how damn cold the water is.

What a pain in the ass.

I did everything i needed to do in the shower. I grabbed my towel to dry myself off. I'd say i took minimum 20 minutes in the shower, i smell great.

As i walked back into my room, goosebumps erupted all over at the cold temperature. Sometimes i hate air conditioning.

Get ready and warn them.


Something is coming.

Suddenly my body was immune to the cold temperature, something terrible is gonna happen. I grabbed the first bag that i saw and shoved everything important inside.

I opened my drawer to grab some clothing, quickly i put on some shorts and a random green crop top that i have. Slutty is the way to go. Next, i tied my hair into a ponytail.

I put some shoes on and grabbed my pills. I gulped a pill down before shoving it in my backpack, the dry pill slowly going down my throat.

Checking that everything i needed was with me, i ran down the stairs. Everyone was calmly watching tv in the living room. "Something's coming." I warned. Right after Gianni replied, "What is?"

Her care for meWhere stories live. Discover now