I could have just stopped and waited for a time before going back, but that would be too easy. Last time the hunting party was on the other side of the cliffs, having crossed from the swamp, they would have placed something there for me to find, something they could quiz me on later, and if I didn't know what that thing was, they would accuse me of not having completed my task at all. Then there would be more trouble. It had happened before. The first time it had happened I hadn't even known what was happening. I'd run the scout mission and found a strangely decorated deer head at the end of my route. Not knowing any better I had returned without it, only to be accused of not having actually made the trip.

When I'd told them what it was I'd seen, they'd accused me of having overheard that it had been left there. I'd been reprimanded and given minimal rations for six months. Now my rations were even more important. I had a family to feed. I couldn't afford to make a mistake. I was nearly at the other end of the cliffs when I reached a section of path that had been entirely destroyed by a rockslide. The path was gone. All that remained was a gap nearly twelve feet across to the other side. Beyond the broken path my goal was only another ten minutes away, but the gap was wide.

I couldn't hope to jump it, though that would have been dangerous anyway on this narrow path. I growled. I had no choice. I had to cross. I looked at the rock wall, looking for handholds, and then made my way out over the drop. The fall was at least a hundred times my own height. If I fell I would be dead. I climbed slowly, ripping my claws into the rock face as I needed to in order to make holds. When I finally reached the other side my claws were sore and bloody, and I'd been repeatedly gashed by protruding rocks. I continued down the path, passing over the more familiar hazards before I reached the end. There was a stake in the ground with leather bandolier hanging over it.

I took the bandolier and turned back. I took the swamp back. I ran the distance, and it didn't take me much longer than it would have to do the cliffs again. When I reached the point where I was supposed to meet the hunting party it was exactly as I'd anticipated. Everyone had moved on. I walked back to town and ran into them returning from their trip. "You took too damn long. Almost wasted our entire day, Lalisa. We had to hunt the deep forest. It took us a long time to get enough meat. I'm going to have to tell HyunSuk about this." Seungri said, taking the bandolier from me without addressing the fact that it was clear why it had been left out there.

This was just another cycle of the same game we played over and over again. I let it go and started walking home. At least I had my wife to return home to. Life wasn't all bad. I walked into the house, looking for Jen. At least I didn't have anything for her to sew today. "Hey love." Jen grinned from the couch when I walked in, setting one of my books down carefully on a small side table. Then her features softened to be a little concerned, as it often was when I came home. "It never seems to be a good day out there for you." She said nodding to the place next to her on the couch. "How are the legs healing?"

I walked in and sat down next to her. "They feel better today. Your sewing is coming in handy. The wounds don't stay open nearly as long, which allows me to heal more quickly." I nuzzled her neck. "How was your day? Jen trouble here?" I was more than a little concerned that Hyun would have someone start trouble for Jen or her brother. "No trouble. I finished a crest. I saw Joy, she's teaching me to work wood. I'm teaching her how to train her voice for singing. I don't have much natural talent for it like she does, but I've had the training so I'm pleasant enough. I think her mate really likes her to sing, so she wants to do it better for him." Jen laughed.

"My daily life is kind of small scale, compared to what you do, trivial things." "I don't do much either." I told her with a sigh. "If I actually did what I was supposed to be doing it would be fine, but most of the time I don't even hunt. Today I scouted an area that we knew was dangerous, and when I got back the hunting party had moved on a different route. So my day was wasted. I'd say your accomplishments are far better than mine." I decided to change the subject. "How is your brother doing?" Jennie colored a bit, and smiled, embarrassed. "He's off with Solar again. He's good. Oh, I better tell you before I forget that I warned him about tonight. That we might be loud." She giggled quietly and bit her bottom lip a little. "So anyway, he won't come charging in with a dagger or anything." I laughed.

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