I'm alive

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm really sorry about making you all wait for so long for the next update. People have been sending me DMs to update again. I don't mind it, it lets me know that there are still people there for me. Love u all! Anyway, my studies are seriously keeping me busy, the full explanation is written in my other story, Reflect on it! For now, feel free to leave questions in the comment box, because this coming Sunday I am going to do a Q and A for you guys. Ask any question about me or the story, and I will be happy to answer! Well, as long as the questions aren't too personal like my address or something. I can and will decline those types of questions. Also, if you give me a prompt for a one-shot, I'll pick my favorite one and add it too. Don't worry! I'll try to get all of them later, but I don't have time to write 5 or 6 one-shots in one day. Also, I have some questions for you guys that you can answer in the comments section too! Check out the list below. You don't have to answer all of them or any at all BTW. This isn't an SAT test guys! I can't wait to hear from you all! 

1. Favorite food?

2. Favorite game?

3. Favorite activity?

4. Any siblings? How many?

5. Do you have a pet?/Do you want one?

Later Mon Chatons~ 

Author Chan

The Princess Behind the MaskDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora