Adrien's POV

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Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm goes off early in the morning, and I open my eyes to find Plagg munching on a piece of that smelly camembert right in front of my face! "Ack!" I groan as I get out of bed. "Plagg, get that disgusting piece of camembert out of my face!" 

"Disgusting!?" he retorts. "How dare you! I don't understand you humans, camembert is the most WONDERFUL thing on Earth!" 

"Whatever Plagg," I mumble. "I have to get ready for school." I enter the bathroom to get ready for school. Once I'm done in the shower, I brush my teeth, and then gel and style my hair for the day. When I come out of the bathroom, I hear a knock on my door. "Yes Nathalie?" I call, 

"Adrien your breakfast is served. Your father will not be eating with you today, as he is busy with his newest fashion line." I sigh. 

"As usual." My father never has time for me. Sometimes, I don't think he even loves me anymore. Ever since mom disappeared he's been this way.

"Come on Plagg." I put on my jacket and hold it open for him. 

"No way! I don't wanna stay cooped up in that pocket all day AGAIN!" Why does he have to be so stubborn? I grab a piece of camembert cheese and put it in the pocket. "OOH! My gooeyness!!!" He squeals as he phases into the pocket. I walk out to eat my breakfast, which consists only of a salad and a single boiled egg. My father has me on a diet so I don't gain weight thanks to my modeling career. I finish eating, and even though my stomach is still growling, I walk out to the limo, where my bodyguard escorts me to school. We pull up in front of the school and I exit the vehicle. 

"Thank you Gorilla" He gives a grunt in response and drives off. I see my bud Nino at the top of the stairs. 

"Yo Adrien!" He calls. 

"Hey Nino! What's up?" 

"The bell's gonna ring soon. Let's go to class." We walk to Mme. Bustier's classroom and sit down. The class is already full. Even Marinette is here, which is strange considering she's normally late. 

"I had a good rest last night."I hear Marinette say. I smile to myself. That's good to hear. She's normally late because she oversleeps since she normally has a lot to do at the bakery. Well, that's what she tells everyone. Mme. Bustier walks in. 

"Alright, class! Settle down!" The class quiets. "We are going on a field trip to China!" Cheers are heard across the room. 'My father probably won't let me go...'  I thought with a sigh. "And..." The class is silent again. "We are also going to see the princess' coronation! All of your parents have agreed, so I suggest you all go home and start packing." 'What!!!' I thought. 'Why would father let me go!? He never lets me go anywhere!' I felt someone poke my side and I looked to my left to see Nino watching me with a concerned expression. 

"Dude. You alright?" He asked. 

"Yeah Nino, I'm fine. I just can't believe father is allowing me to go!" He smiled at me and punched my shoulder. 

"Good for you, bro." He turned around with a worried expression. I wonder what's up with him? 

"Marinette? Marinette? MARINETTE!?" I turned around just in time to see Alya jab Marinette in the ribs. 

"OUCH!! Alya! What the heck!!!" I chuckled at their antics. 

"Sorry girl, you seriously spaced out there. As a matter of fact, you look like you've seen a ghost. You ok girl?" Hmm, I wonder if she's alright. 

"I-um." Briiiiiiiing!!! The bell rang and Marinette bolted out the room faster than I've ever seen a normal civilian run. Heck, I didn't know she could run that fast. Apparently neither did Alya, because she was left looking very shocked and confused.

A/N: There's your second chapter guys! I hope you enjoy! Bye Mon Chatons~


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