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Mari's POV

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien greeted me. he walked over and kissed my cheek. 

"Hey kitten, how are the kids?" I asked. I still can't get over the fact that I have children, with ADRIEN!!! 

"They're fine, but you need to wake up Marinette. Wake up Marinette! WAKE UP!!!" I snapped my eyes open to see Tikki getting ready to throw her cookie on my face. 

"Huh? what time is- GAHHHH!!!" I land on the ground with a thud. "I'M LATE!!!" I yell, bolting upright. "TIKKI! Why didn't you wake me up!?" Tikki sighs and flies over to help me do my pigtails. 

We finished my pigtails, so I picked up my purse and ran out the door right after she flies in. On the way out, I grab a croissant. "Bye Maman, Papa!" I yell as I bolt out the door. I hide behind a dumpster and let out Tikki. "I'll never make it on time like this! Tikki, I need some Ladybug speed."  

"Ok Marinette, just say the words." 

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!!!" I transform and yo-yo to the school. once I get there, I kid in the girls locker rooms and detransform. "Spots off!" I hand Tikki a cookie as she flies out of my earring. She dives into my bag as I head into class. I manage to find my seat before the bell rings.

"Girl!" Alya speaks from beside me. "I can't believe that you actually made it on time!" 

"Yup!" I say happily. "I had a good rest last night." 

"Glad to hear it girl." I spend about five minutes doing my favorite pastime, staring at the back of Adrien's head before Mme. Bustier walks in. 

"Alright, class! Settle down!" The class quiets. "We are going on a field trip to China!" Cheers are heard across the room. "And..." The class is silent again. "We are also going to see the princess' coronation! All of your parents have agreed, so I suggest you all go home and start packing." 'Nice!' I thought. Then I did a double-take. 'Wait... WHAT!!! Nonono!!! This can't be happening! Why would my parents invite the class to MY coronation!!! What if they hate me!? Le gasp* what if ADRIEN hates me!!? Oh, this is a disaster!!!' 

"Nette? Inette? MARINETTE!?" I felt a sharp jab in my ribs. 

"OUCH!! Alya! What the heck!!!" "Sorry girl, you seriously spaced out there. As a matter of fact, you look like you've seen a ghost. You ok girl?" 

"I-um." Briiiiiiiing!!!  Good thing the bell rang. When it did, I bolted out the room, leaving a very confused Alya.

The Princess Behind the MaskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora