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(A/N you guys took too long to vote... so I'll pick two short chapters!)

Hi! You all may know me as Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the simple baker's daughter. Well, I'm also the Princess of China, as well as Paris' super heroine, Ladybug. I have a partner named Chat Noir, and will personally harm anyone who speaks badly of him. He's in love with me, but I can't return his feelings because I'm in love with Adrien. Most people only like him for his money, fame, or looks, but I love him for his heart. He's so kind, caring, funny, and so much more! I wish he'd smile more often though. Sure he gives a smile almost all the time, but I can easily tell that it's not real... OH! I'm rambling again, on to the story!

I was only five years old when one night I woke up to the sound of the castle alarms going off. 

"Huh?" I asked the darkness. "What's happening!?" I ran into my parent's bedroom where they were packing their things with my big brother Marin. He was four years older than me. "Mom? Dad?" I looked around the room, confused. 

"Someone has broken into the castle sweetie." Mom told me. "We have your things, we need to go NOW." We all ran out of the room towards the entrance. Suddenly, two men jumped in front of us. I steeled myself for an attack, as my parents had me learn Martial Arts, Karate, Kung Fu, and fencing so I could keep myself safe. Marin stepped in front of us because he was better trained than all of us. 

"You guys run to the exit. I'll keep them busy." He commanded. 

"Marin!" I called to him. 

"Yea little sis?" 

"I love you big bro..." He smiled. 

"Love you too Mare Bear." And then we ran. We ran until we couldn't see the castle any longer. We called our private helicopter to come pick us up. 

When the helicopter arrived, we all boarded it. 

"Mom, where are we going?" I asked. 

"We're going to Paris Marinette. You'll be safer there, I promise." 

"But what about Marin?" They can't leave my brother. 

"I'm sorry Marinette, I wish we could stop, but we cannot. You could be killed." 

"WHAT!?" Tears started to prick my eyes. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS!!! HE'S MY BROTHER AND YOUR SON!!! HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE HIM BEHIND LIKE THAT!?" Hot tears streamed down my face. I don't get angry easily, but when I do, you don't want to be the person under my wrath. I get it from my mom. 

"Listen Marinette," My father, Felix tried to reassure me. "Your brother is a tough guy, he'll be OK." 

"Yeah, I guess so.." I turned away to look out the window.

An awesome time skip brought to you by Marinette's awesome brother.

We landed in Paris about eleven hours later. I missed Marin a lot. 

"Come Marinette." My mother called me. "We're staying in the mansion that we have here in Paris for awhile." 

"Yes mother..." I sighed. When we arrived at the mansion, I unpacked my things and plopped down on my bed. 'I wish you were here Marin' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

One year later

"Goodbye mother, father" Mom and dad were leaving me at Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom's place until it was safe for me to return to China. Until then, I wasn't to tell anyone that I was the princess, soon to be Empress. Marin is alive. I haven't seen him since we left, and we don't keep in touch either, because then people could track down where I am and kill me.

"Never say goodbye dear." My mother gently reprimanded. "Instead, say 'until next time.' It ensures that you will see us again." 

"Yes mother," I smiled. "stay safe alright?" 

"Don't worry Marinette," My father reassured me. "We will be fine." I hugged them both and they left. I didn't know when I would see them again, but I knew that someday, I would. Since it was also my first day of school, I went into my room to get ready. When I was done, I went downstairs, ate breakfast and kissed Auntie and Uncle goodbye. I looked at the time and saw that I was half an hour late. It was going to be a loooong day.

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