"Good! Thank god, I was bleedn' worried for ya!" Loudly shouted Gloria, a mirthless huff escaping from Y/n's lips as he gently threw Wooly in, accepting his bag off of Gloria, before the duo began their journey.... hopefully. 

His whole body ached, whatever form of fat he had on his body was completely gone, replaced with a noticeable layer of muscles, which made the heavy bag on his back feel like nothing at all. Looking at Gloria, Y/n spotted a shrunken Pokéball strapped onto Gloria's waist, Aqua the perverted weird and crying Sobble had obviously done something too earn it.

"You think Hop is going too suddenly appear, and challenge us to a battle?" Curiously asked Y/n, spotting a large outcrops of rocks not far off, and knowing how energetic Hop was Y/n wouldn't put it past him. "HOP! DO YOU WANT TOO BATTLE!" Loudly shouted Y/n, waiting patiently for Hop to emerge from behind the rocks, a second turned into a minute before they passed the rock with no Hop hiding behind it.

"Idiot." Quietly huffed Gloria, making Y/n grab onto his heart, throwing his head back like he was possessed by a demon and let crocodile tears fall down his face.

"Your words cut deeper than any knife or sword, and burns me more than working out would." Painfully acted Y/n, his acting was bad enough too make Herba leap onto Gloria's shoulders, while Y/n cried even more from the fact his partner had left him. "Blahhh! I'm so lonely!" Desperately wailed Y/n, instantly ducking down as Herba took a swipe at him with her stick, his partner's eyes widening in surprise at how quickly Y/n had reacted.

"So we are heading to the Professor house?" Rhetorically questioned Gloria, considering the fact that they both needed their Pokédex, which was quite essential for anyone who wanted too know more about Pokémon, making Y/n purse his lips and stare at her. "You know what? No need too give me that pitiful look!" Defensively growled Gloria, noticing how Y/n rolled his eyes in amusement, before he did something he hadn't done in a long time, he placed his hand on top of her head.

"Someone needs too have the brains in the group, and I'd be worried if it's me considering I've more failed tests, than you and Hop do combined and multiple it by 2." Deadpanned Y/n, having placed her hat on top of his own head and began too rub Gloria's own, watching on in amusement as her cheeks began too swell and turn red. "Thanks for the hat." Coyly coughed Y/n, freezing once he took a step away from Gloria, his idiot senses flaring to life, which was oddly worrying.

"10% luck, 20% skills, 15% concentration of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason too remember the name!" That song was blaring too life in front of Y/n, a gust of wind dramatically blowing up a cloud of dust while ruffling Y/n's hair, yellow eyes narrowing as he saw a shadow walking through the dust cloud. "AND IT WAS ME! HOP!" Loudly shouted Hop, the cloud of dust disappeared at that exact moment, showing off Hop with a Pokéball in his hand.

Y/n felt his hand twitch, Herba could sense the atmosphere and hopped off of Y/n's shoulder, landing in front of him, everyone present knew what it meant. When two trainers made eye contact, they must battle until one forfeits or is defeated, and the odds aren't really in Y/n's favor considering it is a 2 vs 1, with one of Hop's being a fire type.

"This is a battle between Hop and Y/n! The winner will be decided when either combat forfeits or has no more available Pokémon!" Loudly announced Gloria, jogging in between the two, holding up both of her hands as she acted as the referee for the battle. "May both competitors send out their Pokémon! And start!" Boisterously declared Gloria, Hop calling upon his reflex's threw a lone red Pokéball out onto the battlefield.

Hop's Wooloo emerged, which was a small blessing since Y/n was confident enough that Herba could take it on, while his partner couched low to the ground. Hop nodded at Y/n, silently giving him the first move, since he was the one too start the battle.

I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemon Sword and Shield X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now