Chapter 9

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Aaron's POV

The banging on the door woke me up from my slumber as I wanted some alone time last night to recover from those events.

"What?" I inquired after opening the door to Elsa who was looking as sleepy as I was.

"Mum called early in the morning, she has called both of us to your house. She's currently living in your house."

"So now what, you want me to greet her normally at what time 8 or 9? Are you stupid, who greets someone this early."

" Idiot! I don't know what sin Mary did to have you as a son. It would've been great if god gave you some amount of brain in that empty head."

"First of all, just fuck off. Second, why are we even arguing in the morning? Just tell me when are we going and I'll get ready till that time."

"Do you think it's early morning, it's 12:30 pm and both of our moms invited us for lunch at your house but guess what we'll be late because of you!"

"Stop blaming me for everything, you aren't ready yet and I'm just getting ready in 10 mins. Go hurry because I'm sure you'll make us late."

I hurried to the bathroom as I don't want to get late because if I did she would blame me for everything.

By the time I reached the main entrance, she was already dressed up much to my dismay but in my opinion, playing cool would be better to avoid further insults from her. 

"We should leave or we'll get late for lunch."

"Yes, we would be because of you as you weren't ready to leave."

"Yeah, I wasn't ready because usually, I'm not allowed to leave this prison because of a criminal."

"At least I've some reputation and fear in people and I don't go around weak little girls to prove my strength."

"I don't do that and that's not called reputation. People are disgusted by you, you're a monster which should be behind the bars if given a chance I would help in doing that."

She looks visibly sad by my choice of words, it was just a spur moment. She was annoying me and then that happened, It wasn't my intention to hurt her but it's too late now.

"Ok, come now. We've talked enough." She said in her usual HAWKE voice unlike how she started talking normally with me. 

I think Emily heard our argument and she disapproved my choice of words it was written on her face.

I felt guilty but what's done is already now I should just keep quiet. We both sat in her car and she started driving towards my house.

"Uhh... Elsa?" I started just to remove this thick tension in the car because of my mistake.

"What?" she grumbled

"How's your mom like?" I said just to make small talk.

"She has long brown hairs if that answers your question."

"I meant how's she in behaviour, is she cruel?"

"If you meant monster like me then no but she's strict and has very less patience than I have."

She has taken my words too seriously, I didn't mean to say that to her. It was just that I was angry and annoyed, anger is a stupid emotion which should stay in our control. It can make you do anything and destroy everything.

"I'm sorry..." I tried the direct approach, no use of circling the topic

"For what?" 

"For calling you that, monster and other things. You're not that, Emily told me about you earlier and you're a kind soul. I was angry at myself for being late and annoyed that you started lecturing me again. So will you be able to forgive me?"

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