🧞‍♂️Agrabah Once More🧞‍♀️

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Aladdin and Y/n rode their carpets laughing as they circled their father below them.

Aladdin & Y/n: "Hop on, Dad." They said in unison as Cassim shook his head. "Oh, no. It's a pair of rugs. You sweep dirt under it. You don't fly on it. At least I don't." Cassim said as Y/n stopped in front of him. "Don't be afraid. It's fun." She said while sticking her tongue out at their father. "I am not afraid! Now get off that thing before you break your neck, young lady at once." Y/n laughed softly before saying to their father. "I trust my carpet with my life as Aladdin trusts his own." Aladdin and Y/n hopped off of their magic carpets and patted their tassels. "We'll take horses. Horses were good enough for my father and his father before him, and they were always good enough for me." Cassim said as Aladdin and Y/n looked at each other whispering together. "He sounds like a father, all right."

The group began heading back to Agrabah on horseback not knowing what would happen as they left the lair of the Forty Thieves. Y/n looked over the restored wedding pavilion building good as new as she removed her cloak and hair clasp while Aladdin walked off to find Jasmine this leaving Cassim with his sister.

Y/n: "Looks like Genie has everything ready." She said honestly smiling happily as Cassim looked over at his daughter in awe.

Cassim: "Genie? You have a genie? Have you used all three wishes yet?" He questioned as Y/n laughed while nodding as Genie appeared behind her.

Genie: "Oh, N/n! Your back well and your front! You're both home!" He said hugging the young woman close.

Y/n: "That's great, Genie. I have someone to introduce to you to..." she said while Genie covered her mouth.

Genie: "Security's tight. No big crowd. Immediate family only. No love life's this time, other than the parrot, of course. Observe." Genie said as he showed Y/n the security measures to which she along with Cassim ducked in evade. "Armed and dangerous. I'd like to see the one of those Forty Thieves get within an inch of your wedding." He said as Cassim introduced himself to Genie.

Cassim: "The King of Thieves." He said smiling which made Genie scream as he called out code red as Y/n rubbed her head.

Y/n: "Genie! Genie, meet my and my brother's dad." She said which made Genie send the security away while walking up to Cassim.

Genie: "If you're Al's, N/n's dad and the King of Thieves, I just want to know one thing. Will you be having the chicken or the sea bass?" He questioned which confused Cassim as Y/n grabbed hold of his arm.

Y/n: "Come on, Dad. I can't wait for you to meet Junaid, Jasmine and the Sultan." She said til Genie cleared his throat.

Genie: "N/n, you think we ought to lose the "Agrabah's Most Wanted" Look?" He asked honestly about Cassim's outfit as Y/n noticed what he was saying.

🧞‍♂️Aladdin and Y/n- Arabian Nights and Days🧞‍♀️Where stories live. Discover now