Months and months pass by, and he keeps making those strange little outbursts and rude comments, whether they're intentional or not, and soon your relationship with Namjoon reaches a year together.

You go round the member's house for the day, and spend the whole day with Namjoon and everyone else. By now, Yoongi was talking to you sometimes, but kept getting annoyed whenever Namjoon would make a comment about you that he didn't like. Taehyung would constantly ask Yoongi if he's okay, and you always check up on you, but you just decided to carry on with life as it comes.

About a year and a half into your relationship, the members throw a house party with you invited, along with loads and loads of other kpop idols and normal people that they know.

Taehyung: Y/n! I want to introduce you to Nancy.

You: Nice to meet you Nancy~

Nancy: Hey! I've heard so much about you!

You: Really?

Taehyung: I'll leave you two to talk.

You: Okay, see you Tae~

Nancy: Yeah. I've heard that you're dating Namjoon?

You: Yeah, over a year now

Nancy: Yeah, I know

You: Huh?

Nancy: He's my ex.

You: What!?

Nancy: I didn't think you knew. Yeah, I dated him for around the same amount of time, but gave up on him because of how horrible he was being

You: Horrible?

Nancy: Yeah, you know. You can't tell me that you haven't been getting those snide comments from him.

You: Well... uhm...

Nancy: But I can tell you one thing.

You: What's that?

Nancy: He's mine.

You stood and stared at her in disbelief, then she smiled and walked off.

Keeping in mind what she had said, you carried on the night, but kept spotting Nancy and Namjoon getting really close, to the extent where they were dancing and walking around together. You tried to keep your head straight and trust him, so you resorted to going over and standing/dancing with Hoseok and Yoongi who had stayed together for the whole night so far.

Hoseok: Well y/n! How great it is to see you

You: You see me everyday

Hoseok: I know

Suga: Is something wrong?

You: No, I'm fine, just the drink I guess

Hoseok: Same!

Suga: He's also been drinking a lot

You: Haven't you?

Suga: Not really. I've had a couple but not the normal

Hoseok: He's a lightweight

Suga: I am not! I just don't want to get absolutely hammered.

You: That's fair enough

You stay with those two for a while, talking, dancing and just standing around together. A couple of hours later, you decide that you need to go to the toilet, which is upstairs. You tell Yoongi and Hoseok, who nod and give a thumbs up, before heading up to the toilet, where no one seemed to be queuing for the first time all night.

You attempt to open the door, but someone's obviously in there because it's locked. You knock and then stand outside the door for a while. You can hear giggling from inside and you start to think that it's just a small group of girls in there.

While you're waiting, Jimin comes up the stairs.

Jimin: Waiting for the toilet?

You: Yeah, these people have been in there for ages so far

Jimin: People?

You: Sure, if you listen, you can hear the giggling

Jimin: Oh yeah I hear them. How long have you been waiting so far?

You: Around 15 minutes

Jimin: Yeah, definitely a group

You stand with Jimin outside the toilet for around another 10 minutes, when you finally hear the toilet flush and the people trying to get to the door.

Jimin: N-Namjoon?

You can't believe your eyes, when Namjoon stumbles out of the toilet, holding hands with none other than Nancy, coming out of the toilet.

You're so shocked that you can't speak, even when Namjoon keeps trying to explain himself. Your hearing goes fuzzy, while you hear Jimin start having a go at Namjoon, and some of the other members come upstairs. Hands grab your by both of your arms and guide you into the nearest bedroom, where you sit on the bed and you can't help but stare at one point.

After so long, how could he do such a thing as that. You can still hear Jimin shouting at Namjoon, along with Jin, while Taehyung comes into the bedroom.

Taehyung: I'm so sorry y/n... I didn't know he was like this

Hoseok: Yes you did. You remember Nancy

Taehyung: I thought she was over him. I thought she would just be a nice person

Hoseok: Since when was Nancy a nice person Tae. Since when.

Jungkook: Can I help?

You look up at Jungkook, tears in your eyes, then look back down again.

He instantly comes up to you, positions himself so he can scoot to a position of sitting behind you, and hugs you tight from behind.

Taehyung: What do you think you're doing?

Jungkook: Being myself.

Hoseok: He's only trying to help Tae. Let him be.

Taehyung: I know, sorry Kookie. I just can't believe that Namjoon would do such a thing.

Jungkook: I keep y/n safe

Hoseok: Good Jungkook. I think we may need to pull Jimin and Jin away from Namjoon.

Taehyung: I agree

Jungkook: Wait, where's Yoongi...?

Taehyung and Hoseok look between each other in panic, before running out of the room and into the situation outside the toilet.

Soon, Jimin and Jin come storming into the bedroom, but you can still hear shouting. Then you hear a scream.

All of the members except Jungkook (who is still hugging you) rush out of the room, before you see them hauling Yoongi in, kicking and flailing, and dumping him on the opposite side of the room on the floor. They then shut the door, but left Jin outside the room.

Jungkook: What happened?

Hoseok: Yoongi decided to jump Namjoon

Suga: I didn't jump him! He got in my face first

Taehyung: Jin's getting everyone out of the house and taking Namjoon to the hospital

Jungkook: What did you do?

Suga: He hurt y/n. So I hurt him.

At that, you jumped up, ran out of the room, down the stairs past Namjoon, Jin and Nancy, Namjoon shouting for you to stop, out of the house, into your car, and you just sat there for a minute. The other members chased behind you, but before they could get to you in the car, you drove away and headed straight home. You kept hearing your phone on the backseat buzzing and ringing, but you just had to get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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