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Before I let you fellow readers jump straight into my poems (if you want to;))one more note.

Over the past few years I've always used rhymes when writing poems and came to realize something. Sometimes simple is better.Many poets (especially beginners like me 3 years ago)tend to write long abstract poems with endless rhymes. Some of those are really great, no question!But there are times when we writers focus more on the rhyme scheme and abstractness than on the actual meaning.Instead we let our leaders drown in delicate patches, beautiful but confusing.That's a real pity!

So you will be seeing many short poems in this book. Some won't include rhymes at all.There will be indeed a few long poems with a rhyme scheme but -as I've already mentioned-sometimes simple is best.You can find my longer poems in my poetry book "The Unspoken poetically spoken".While writing the following poems I don't think much but rather let my mind be free and unchained.

Thank you for reading,this is just my opinion;)


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