13. Revealed

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People around us gasped at the sight. Hiccup snarled at the men, with hatred in his eyes. Anna, Punzie and Merida came up quickly. "What happened?"

"Jack gave him Wolfsbane," I say.


"Poison to Werewolfs. Now they want him chained."

I then look to Rap. "How's Flynn?" I ask using his nickname.

Eugene, for the longest time, wouldn't go by his birth name. For years, he insisted on being called Flynn Ryder. As time went by, he got more accustomed to people called him Eugene rather than Flynn. "He's fine. I had to tell him that Hiccup was a wolf." She said.

"I had to tell Kristoff too, they wanted to know how he lifted that float."

"What?! Did they swear not to tell?" I ask.

"Yeah." They both responded. 

I sigh. Hiccup backed up, from the men, with a growl. The men neared him with weapons, muzzles and more Wolfsbane.

"Come on, Mutt. We ain't gonna' hurt you." One said to him.

He snarled again, lunging for Protection. With one bite, he snapped the one mans necks clean off with a loud Snap. The man's headless body fell to the ground. Hiccup landed, dropping the head. He turned his gaze to the other man. He didn't even have to do anything, the other man ran off, in fear.

Hiccup turned to us. He motioned his head towards the direction of his house then took off, full speed. Though he said nothing, I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to follow him! He's going to skip town. Thinking quickly, I knew I made my mind up. There was no second-guessing. I was going with him, whether he liked it or not.

"Get Eugene!" I say to Rapunzel, heading towards the trees.

"What?" Rapunzel asked. Why?"

"We're leaving!"


I follow Hiccup as we walk through the trees away from towns. Rap, Anna, Merida and the guys followed. Hiccup lead the way, heavily limping. He injured himself going after the guards, and because there was Wolfsbane in his system, he was unable to heal as quickly as he usually could.

Hiccup was taking us somewhere, hopefully somewhere safer. In human form, Hiccup pulled a sled with all our things on it.

Kristoff and Eugene were pestering him with questions. "So, yours really a werewolf?" Eugene asks.


"Do you like shapeshift every full moon?" Kristoff asked him.


"Do you eat human food?" Eugene asked.


"What do you even eat?" Kristoff added.

Hiccup stopped, looking at the two. "Annoying human boys who don't stop asking questions." He said sharply, as a joke, with a small growl. The boys backed up as soon as he gave a warning growl. With a smirk, Hiccup rolled his eyes, heading forwards again. Though, his gaze seemed to lower as we walked. He's bothered.

I come to Hiccup's side slowly, hoping he'd speak.. "You okay?"

"I killed him, Els."

"You were protecting yourself," I say to him. "You didn't know what to do, you ingested wolfsbane."

"I still killed him."

I don't reply. "How's you're strength?" I ask about the Wolfsbane.

"Still hurts but I'll survive. I've survived Wolfsbane 120 years."

"You're 120 years old?" Kristoff asked.

Hiccup turned his gaze to him, making him back up again. "Chronologically, yes," Hiccup answered him, actually calm. 

"So, how old are you biologically?" Merida asked him. 

"Physically and Biologically, I'm seventeen," Hiccup responded quietly.

"Does that make you, like, immortal?" Eugene asked him. 

"Yes," He hissed, stopping by the opening to the forest, opening to the land Hiccup showed me three and a half weeks ago. 

"Why'd we stopped?" Anna asked.

I looked over. "Wolf territory."

"So?" Merida echoed.

Hiccup turned. "I can only bring one person across." He said.


"Human crazed wolves live on this side. In this territory, the wolves can freely kill humans, now that the truce has been broken, and in my condition, I can't protect all of you." He said to them. 

Eugene blinked, glancing at the others. "But you're a Werewolf, your probably the deadliest thing in the woods."

"I know." Hiccup stated, turning around. "But I'm not physically strong enough to protect all of you." He said.

"Especially with the Wolfsbane in his system," I add. "He's Weak and Vulnerable."

Hiccup sighed calmly. "I can only protect one. Elsa was willing to join me, even though I would rather her stay here." He said.

Punz looked at him. "What do we do?"

"Go back to town, make sure they don't follow us or find his scent. If they didn't kill him then, they'll kill him the next time." I say. "As far as we're all concerned, Hiccup was killed by the wolfsbane!"

Hiccup nodded, calmly. "Look, as soon as the woods are clear. I'll be sure, to get you guys over safely." He said. No one answered him. They don't trust him. Hiccup sighed madly. "You have my word! Wolf's law,"

"What does that mean?" Anna asked. 

"I have to come to get you. No matter what, we can't disobey the wolf law." Hiccup told them.

Anna shook her head. "So," she started, approaching me. "You're leaving with a werewolf. Aren't you scared he's going to.. Kill you."

I shake my head. "I trust him."

Anna then turned her gaze To Hiccup. "Lay one claw on her, I'll kill you myself."

Hiccup didn't reply. He just narrowed his eyes, making her back up. "As if you could kill me," he sighed.

Anna looked at him, then hugged me. "Be safe."

"I will." She pulled back. I know what she's thinking. I'm leaving with a killer wolf, who is hated by his entire species, and could get killed. She looked to me once more, then left with the others, leaving me, alone with Hiccup.

Her Wolf ~Book 1~ [Hiccelsa]Where stories live. Discover now