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We all slowly turned around anyways. There was a horde of alien type things standing a few feet in front of us.

And they looked angry.

"Plan B, anyone?" I asked, looking around.

"PLAN B, PLEASE!!!" Simmons said, terrified.

Tucker and I grinned at each other before putting on our helmets and getting our swords out. We rushed towards the crowd of aliens, yelling "Swish, Swish, Stab" while we fought in surprisingly perfect sync.


"ITS A LEGITIMATE STRATEGY!!!" Tucker and I said at the same time, fighting back to back.

"AND WE COULD USE A LITTLE HELP, ASSHOLES!!!!" Tucker said, struggling to hold off an alien.

Sarge immediately pulled out his shotgun and cocked it before starting to shoot down aliens. "Time to get Sarge'd!"

"Stupid one liners don't help, Sergeant!" I said, using Tucker as a vault pole to flip over him and cut down the alien he was struggling with.

We high-fived before sliding back into our original formation. Grif was bashing an alien on the head with...was that a cone? And it wasn't very affective, but Caboose shot it down. How? I think he was 'angry.' Simmons and Sarge were doing the same thing we were, but with the safety and distance of guns. Church had tried to shoot the aliens with his terrible aim, but got frustrated and just decided to pummel them. Which surprisingly worked better. But they were all struggling.

"I'm not sure they can take much more of this!!!" I said, slicing an alien in two. "Go protect the others. Especially Grif. Give the man a weapon."

"But what about you?" Tucker asked.

"I've got this. Go!" I said, shooting him away and running towards the mob of aliens.

I stabbed some and sliced some and fought as hard as I could. At one point I spun in a circle, taking down the surrounding monsters. I was struggling, but not as much as I had seen the others struggle.

If only they could've finished training before this... I thought bitterly.

I was knocked to the ground, and my helmet fell off. I jumped up, not bothering to put it back on, and started attacking once more. My hair made the scene even more dramatic, whipping around as I moved.

My glasses fell off and shattered when an alien shoved me. Everything was now blurry, and I was suddenly thankful for the unique colors of our armor. It helped me pick out the aliens from my friends.

I was doing pretty well despite my loss of helmet and my impaired eyesight, but that changed when one of the aliens grabbed a metal pole from the wall- super strength, I guess- and stabbed me through the back.

I screamed, louder than I've ever screamed before. I could feel the blood rushing out of my body, life escaping me. I fell to the ground, and I faintly heard someone yell my name before everything went black.

A/N- I think I might be a bit of a troll for leaving it on that cliffhanger, but that's the end of the chapter. Sorry for the short update! Hopefully the next one will be longer. I don't really think ahead of writing these xD


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