Texas Is Here To Stay?

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"What the Hell did I do?"

"You just HAD to go get back the fucking flag, and you AND this bitch got captured. Then Caboose decided he knew how to drive a tank, killed Church, now he's a fucking ghost, and all because you made some rash decision."

What is Tucker's deal?!?!?! Ugh, he picks the worst moment to be serious.

"Well I'm sorry that Caboose was stupid enough to GIVE a red our flag. Whenever he fucks up, I always need to go and make things better. That is how it's always been with us. But, you don't have to act like it's the end of the fucking world because I had a sibling instinct."

He was fixing and cleaning up my face, and Caboose was helping Tex.

"You realize that you can take off your helmets, too? The room is oxygenated," Tex said.

With that, Caboose took off his helmet right away. Tucker took off his, too. Damn, he was hot. He had tan skin (he's white in this fanfic. I'm sorry if u think he's black or white or whatever. This is just how I imagine he looks) and dark blue eyes. He had messy black hair, but it wasn't too long. He had a cocky attitude that matched the hot guy look perfectly. Like the high school jock that most girls have a crush on in schools.

Stop it, Dotty. You're supposed to be mad at him.

"That better?" He asked Tex.

"Yeah, now I can see what the idiots look like. And for twins, you don't look a lot alike," She said to me and Caboose.

He had blonde hair like our dad, while I had mom's dark brown hair. We both had green eyes with a hint of blue, though. Mine were just a bit darker. He was sort of pale, while I was tan. I was also shorter than him. People usually don't think we are twins until we tell them.

"Good. I don't want to look like him," I said.

"But if we looked alike, we would be twins!" Caboose said.

The stupidity. It burns.

"We ARE twins, Caboose. We just don't look a lot alike."


Tucker put a bandage over one of my bleeding areas. It stung, and I winced.


Sure you are.

"It's okay."

I started humming while Tucker worked. He stopped for a second and looked at me.

"Do I need to duct tape your mouth shut?"

"Oh, you would just love that, wouldn't you?"


"Would you guys stop flirting for one second?" A voice asked.

Church in his stupid ghost form appeared. Ugh, this guy.

"What do you want, Church?" Tucker asked, exasperated.

Then continued a whole conversation on Tex. Finally, she agreed to stay at the base until we won the war on Red team. Church has to be desperate to basically beg her to stay.

"Okay. Bye now!" I said, shooing Ghost Church away.

Tucker finished with my face, and went on to help Tex (Caboose had no idea what was going on). Tucker seemed to have an easier time with the bandages and first aid. He was dropping everything and doing everything slowly with me.

Interesting. So the pervert has an interest in only one of the girls here? This will be a fun experiment to test out.

"Dotty, can you come help me watch for the reds?" Church asked, coming into the base.


I followed Church to the lookout. When we got there, he turned to me.

"We need to get Tex to stay here for as long as possible," He said.

"Let me guess. You're either really desperate or you're trying to get that evil AI out of her (long story. All u need to know for now is that she as an artificial intelligence infused with her armor called Omega and it's evil. thank u and keep enjoying the chapter -A/N)."

"The second one."

"That what I thought. Now, what do you plan for her?"

"She's gonna fix the tank, like she said she would. But once she fixes it, she's going to go to red base and kill them. There's only one thing I can do," He said.

"You have to warn the reds. You have to betray us," I said.


"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"You're the only person I don't hate here, and you're sorta the smartest, too."

"How do you not hate me? I'm fucking insane!"

"Arent we all? Anyways, I'll be back soon, hopefully in a new body. Maybe that robot dude...."

"Okay. Do you want me to go with?"

"No. Stay here. I have to go. Bye, Dotty."

I turned away and was heading back to base.

"Hey, Dotty!" Church said.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry about yelling at you when you first got here."

"Its okay." I said.

I went back to base to see Tucker pacing back and forth. When he saw me, he ran up to me.

"What did he want with you?"

"We just talked."

"About what? Is that bastard coming on to you? Do I need to beat him up?"

"He's a ghost. You can't beat him up. And so what if he was? You're not my boyfriend, Tucker. Stop acting like you own me."

I walked to my room and took off my armor. I put on my pajamas and went to sleep. It was getting late, and I didn't want to communicate with anyone else.

Agent Texas, prepare for a surprise.

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