"No I'm fine it's good let's get back to it," I say motioning to the recordings we had on the computer so far.

"Honestly I think we could use a break anyways, we'll finish up tomorrow?" Candace pitches.

"Sounds like a plan," I give them a small forced smile before I dash out of the recording building. Everything was fine. Why did you have to show up now. Everything I worked so hard to get to fell apart just like that. I take a small walk trying to sort through the house of complication that was just dropped on me.

Does she live on campus? I suddenly began panicking. What if we had dorms right next to each other? I made a worried sprint over to the girls dorms and crept around very carefully. I decided taking the stairs would be best to avoid her.

When I reached my floor I stayed hiding behind the corner of the stair wall and poked my head out into the hall perfect there's the RA.

"Raegon!" I whisper shout to grab his attention. He turns over to see me and I motion him over with my arm.

"What're you up to now TV," god I hated that nickname. When he finally got close enough I grabbed his arm and dragged him further towards the stairs to use the wall to hide us from the rest of the hall.

"How many new dorms just got moved into on this floor?" I whisper.

"Uhhh I don't like 2 or 3 maybe," he responds at a normal voice level.

"Have you met any of the new occupants yet?"


"Was one of them a scary tall goth?"

"You mean the one that probably just broke her entire room and keeps calling me reggie?" I face palm myself and leave my face in my hand trying not to explode from stress.

"That's the one," I mutter under my breath.

"I'm sensing there's a reason you're asking me all of this?" He asks.

"Wait what number is she in?" I quickly ask.

"She's in 312," he responds. Oh thank god she's all the way on the other end of the hall from me.

"Is she still here?"

"Na she took off a minute or two before you got here."

"Oh thank god," I sigh and make a dash for my door.

"Alright cmon now I'm the cool RA that lets you get away with a lot of shit, wanna fill me in why you're suddenly being so paranoid?" Raegon asks.

I sigh and take a quick look around the hall one more time for good measure then grab his arm and drag him into my dorm and lock the door behind us.

"Alright fine," I say and pace back and forth while he takes a seat in my desk chair. "Okay so I'm a freshman yes? Before that I was a senior in high school, so there was this really evil mean girl that hated me and spent her time ruining my life for fun but we had all the same friends-"

"So you're scared of your tall goth bully," Raegon cuts me off.

"No she's probably the least scariest person I've ever met," I respond which clearly shocks him a bit.

"So we always had our very very rare small moments of almost friendship until senior year we started getting really close annnnnnddddd ThenWeSortaEndedUpDatingForAWhile," I spit out really fast.



"Right sorry my bad," he says covering his mouth with his hand and motioning for me to continue.

"Okay so we were happily dating until one day she had to go on a business trip with her dad, was only suppose to be a month right? Nope. That was 7 months ago. I had no idea she was even in town," I sigh out frustrated.

"Sooooo how exactly did the breakup go down?" He asked.

"Well when the first month was up I was really excited I was gonna get to see her again, I had missed her a lot back then, but then she told me over the phone that the trip was gonna be extended, I asked her how long and she said she didn't know that all her dad told her was that it was indefinite.

So after that obviously we're both a bit riled up but of course that wasn't gonna shake us right? Wrong. For the next month we texted and called and video chatted but we both became increasingly busy, between me going through all the college prep and her with all her dad's business stuff we slowly had less and less time for each other. Eventually one day she called me and told me she wanted to break up with me. I was heartbroken. I asked why but all she said was she was too busy for a relationship and if she wasn't she wanted someone she could actually have in person.

She hung up on me after that and I tried calling and texting for weeks after that but she kept ignoring me, eventually she just blocked my number. I was crushed. I didn't know how I was suppose to move passed something like that during the summer. Then classes started. I made new friends, I was having a lot of fun and once I had finally moved passed it I met benji and he's so good to me, I love him. I worked so hard to start over and she brought it all down just like that!"

Raegon got up to hug me, I hadn't realized I started crying. Don't get me wrong, I did NOT have even a speck of feelings for her anymore, I was just upset because even though we were over didn't make having her around any less complicated. It dragged me back to what I tried so hard to leave behind.

I was always so thankful for Raegon. He may have been an RA but to all the students he watched over he was more like everyone's older brother which was especially nice considering I've never had a brother and the only older sibling I had was psychotic Trina.

"Hey listen don't sweat it tv, me and benji got your back, we won't let your sense of security here be compromised," he gave me a sweet smile.

"Thanks ray, you and Ben are too good for LA," I say wiping my tears away. Benji and Raegon were brothers, Raegon older by 2 years, which is why I'm not totally opposed to marrying benji because then ray really will be my brother.

"Look why don't you spend the night at benji's dorm tonight, worry about the rest later," he offers.

"Think I'll have to take that offer. Yknow you're not a very good RA," I say as I grab some stuff to leave.

"And yet I'm still here baby," he yells as he heads out back into the hall. I shake my head and make my way to the stair well to head to benji's.

Jade's POV

I got back to my dorm late. I had spent a couple of hours off campus trying to regain some mental stability and failing miserably. As I was going stepping out of the elevator I was instantly met by reggie's cold stare from down the hall.

"What crawled up your ass and died," I say as I approach my door.

"Just not a fan of you I guess," he responds.

"Yknow I've been meaning to ask, why is a boy an RA in the girls dorm?" I raise an eyebrow as I unlock my door.

"Yknow I think you're actually the first person that's ever asked me that," he says.

"Well guess we know the rest of the girls here aren't that bright," I mutter as I head into my room.

"I can think of someone who is," he says.

"Good for you," I say as I go back to my door to close it.

"Goth chick," he calls out to me before I can close my door.

"Jade," I answer.

"Alright then jade," he says my name bitterly. "Stay away from her," he warns. I close my door. Stay away from her. I wanted to pretend he meant someone else that didn't relate to me and he was just a confused idiot but I knew he knew.

Stay away from her. Trust me I want to, but ever since I saw those damn chocolate eyes and sickeningly nice cheekbones I don't think I had any control over anything anymore.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now