Chapter 11: Sombra

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"You make a good point. What are you reading?" Sombra eyed her book. It was a beauty: the forest green cover and platinum binding complemented each other rather nicely.

"A History of Equestrian Warfare. Have you read it?" Evangelista asked.

"Yes. Of course. I've been tearing through these bookshelves like there's no tomorrow. You know me and books."

Evangelista nodded, not bothering to laugh along. She strode to the double doors of the wide room, pushing them out. The old things creaked, their rusty joints cracking, but flooded the room with light and fresh air.

"Care to chat on the balcony?" Evangelista inquired.

Sombra followed her, unsure of what else to do. There was something off about her. He wasn't sure if it was her piercing stare, the way she talked to him, or her movements which seemed too agile.

"High-society life must be an upgrade from your slums." Evangelista wrinkled her nose at that word. "You seem to be enjoying it."

"Of course. Who wouldn't? Back in the slums, Jet and I could barely scrape together a decent meal each night. But now, I can really focus on what I want to do. I have so many more opportunities to improve my magic."

Evangelista nodded. "You are extremely gifted at it. Well, I'm happy you're finding your place here."

"EVIE! SOMBRA! Hi!" Chrissy barreled through the doors of the main room, nearly tripping over her green skirts in a frenzy.

"Hi Chrissy," Evangelista greeted her. "What's the rush?"

Red in the face and ragged breathing, it was obvious Chrissy had run a long way.

" results....Luna....Jet.....ALIVE!" Chrissy burst out, hugging them both. "They made it."

Sombra exhaled. He wouldn't lose his friends ever again. Jet and Luna had made it through a deadly massacre. And they were well on their way to recovery.

"But...." Chrissy trailed off. The bags under her eyes and purse of her lips told him something was off. "But...Jet...he has a problem. The doctors aren't sure what it's from yet,'s something to do with his nerves and brain. He'll have trouble controlling himself, and will be prone to seizures...."

For a second it felt like time had stopped. It took a second for everything to process. His brother was dead. Dead in a different way. Marred with problems of body and mind, the man he would see emerge from the hospital would not be his brother. He knew what war did to people.

"'s ok, it's ok. It's going to be ok," Chrissy muttered as she clutched him, but she seemed to be saying it to herself more than to him.

Evangelista just looked on. "I am so sorry." was all she said. Her eyes held a distant, faraway look in them, like she was numb to everything around her.

"Get out. GET OUT!" Sombra roared at both girls.

Chrissy broke away and ran out the door, frantically wiping tears away as she did. Evangelista just nodded to him. "Take your time to grieve," she said, before sweeping out of the room, leaving behind nothing but a trail of floral perfume.


Having retreated to the Moon Room to lick his wounds, Sombra sat amidst his beloved piles of books, his knuckles a milky white yet bruised vibrant purple. The blood on the walls had dried, but barely. A few cushions lay strewn across the floor, the stuffing spilling out of them and scattered around the room.

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