Chapter. Three

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I combed Ameeka's thick hair and placed a rubber band around her puff. I laid her edges down. After, I was finished she went and grabbed her Princess book bag and her mini book bag.


Today Ameeka is going to spend spring break at her friends house. I'm not fully on board with this cause her friend's dad is a drug dealer. That man is dangerous but the mother told me he won't be there all break, he'll be on a business trip. So I agreed.

Ameeka came back with her bottle,bag that's full of clothes, stuffed animal,her tablet, and her tooth brush and tooth paste.

I smiled my sister so smart.💜

"Go say bye to Nana before you go"

She ran upstairs to say bye.

I kissed her cheek as I heard a car honk. So I opened the front door and Ameeka ran out, into her friend's mom's car.

I sighed and waved as they pulled out the drive way.☺

Im bored so I decided imma call Jeremiah, I'm not going to tell him I know he rich or what ever.

I called him and he answered on the first ring

" Wassup luh mama?"

"Luh mama?!"

He chuckled


"Nothing much"

"Oh, you want me to come by?"

I thought about his question for a little minute

"Uh, sure why not"


"I'll send the address"

"Ight, baby mama"

I know Jeremiah, I might not know him a lot but I know he smiling on the other line

"I'm not your baby mama!"

I laughed and hung up. I texted him the address. And he replied...

Jeremiah👣- Im otw, wear sum sexy too👅💋

Asia💞✌- Ok, and if I do you ain't gone touch me

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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Broken Barbie -Book 1-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang