If You Love Something

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If you love something let it go and it comes back it was always yours.
Or so I've heard.
But that's the biggest lie ever told.
Why give something so dear the chance to escape, never to be seen again?
Why let it slip through your fingers and be gone in a blink of an eye as if it meant nothing?
Because, just like a leaf set free from it's limb, that thing or person so beloved floats aimlessly away, shifting every which way by some wind or driving force.
Giving it up to the elements ensures it's forever disappearance.
If you love something, hold onto it with all your might. Never let it go.
Cherish it fully, love it unselfishly, protect it fiercely, hold it tightly.
If you love something don't ever let it go.
For it may never know the way back home. So why would you take the chance?

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