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A part of me had now gotten used to this beautiful creature that walked beside me everyday, on my way home.

I didn't feel scared anymore, I felt safe, protected, and although I didn't know why and how it always knew when to show up. I didn't mind, because its presence felt safe, comfortable and warm. It didn't feel anything close to danger it just walked beside me until I got home. It was so clingy it always had me patting it and brushing it's ears, which was cute Really.

Until one night out of nowhere, a man popped out of nowhere shooting at us, both the creature and I,his main target was my fury friend and as much I understand that this was an abnormal being to be seen around, it's rude to jump out of nowhere and start shooting at people and their midnight pets.

The man looked so lethal, he looked like he had one thing on his mind and that was to see the creature down, to his satisfaction, I saw it whimper in pain and get down in weakness.

"You! You are a witch! walking besides the devil." He said ready to throw one last shot.

A shot he unfortunately did not get the chance to throw, as I immediately threw my blade at his hand causing him to drop the weapon as the blade cut off one thum ( ah man! I was really going for the whole hand.) My axe going straight for his throat and that was the end of him.

"He talks too much" I mumbled to myself walking over to the almost dead man who was coughing up blood choking on it, I took my weapons wiping the blood off

Her Narration.

I did not see it coming, I never thought of it, hell I never even knew that creatures like those existed.

After finishing my high school, I decided to move out of the Convent, I really did not feel welcomed in that place. Everyone I knew got sponsorship to go to College and I was just stuck there to be a slave for the nuns, not because I was not smart enough, I actually graduated top of my class, I just didn't have have any luck I guess.

Yup! That's how it's always been, the other kids would go outside and have play time, and I would be stuck in the kitchen Washing huge filthy Pots. They would sleep on cute little bunk beds and I would sleep in a rat filled attic, that was my life growing up, I didn't even know what Christmas was because I never got to be a part of it. The Nuns used to call me "DARK" and every month they would call the priest to perform an Exorcism on me, I don't know if it ever worked though.


Due to all those terrible things, I just started to drift away from people, I became my own self, I would only speak when spoken to if not I would just keep shut, which normally had people mistake me for a fool and think that they would just bully me that's where they got it wrong.

I had some pretty dangerous fighting skills, I was especially good with weapons because every Friday, after school I would sneak away to go and join the hunters for practice, my friend William, ( the only friend I had, who unfortunately did not attend the same school as I) his father was a hunter, what they were hunting in such a developed town I still did not get. But I would Join William for training on Fridays which earned me a wupping from the nuns when I got home.

They didn't know where I went, they just hated the fact that I wasn't around to do their laundry, and they said that I was probably out Performing Darkness,That was until William moved out of town to go to Harvard. And I was left behind, to deal with everything by myself.


Soooo the beginning right,,,,*wink *wink

Lets take this ride with our girl Scarlet as she discovers that there is more to life and there is more to this world than she knows.

That there is actually a world beyond reality.



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