My Saviour: Part 3

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When I came around, I noticed I was in someone’s arms. They felt so safe, warm, and strong and I just wanted to stay in them forever. I breathed in an intoxicating scent – peppermint. Someone was carding their long, thin fingers through my unruly curls. They were also stroking my face and neck in a soothing manner. I peeked my eyes open and was met with Draco’s concerned gaze. My eyelids fluttered open fully and I took in my surroundings. Draco was holding me protectively, possessively in his arms whilst a furious ring of Gryffindor’s surrounded us. I clung to my mate. Oh yeah, should probably say, I am an omega. Draco is my mate. I fainted from the realisation (honestly I can handle a dark lord, dementors and an assault on my life at the end of every school year but I can’t not faint when I realise something life changing).

Looking back over the years, at our animosity towards each other, I feel like it was meant to be. Just hear me out a second. Draco and I always had our attention on one another. We were always seeking each other out and we had to see for ourselves where the other was. Looks across the great hall, small taunts that could be as concerned questions and the never-ending eye contact. Oh, and do not forget, that moment in third year when he LITERALLY CHECKED ME OUT! I guess you could say the signs were all there.

“Harry what the fuck?!” Ron shouted at me. I flinched and huddled into Draco more. He stopped stroking me and instead clutched me closer whilst glaring at my best friend.

“Leave him alone weasel.” Draco said with a sneer. “Don’t tell me what to do snake. How about you leave him alone you slimy git!?” Ron retorted. “No, no don’t. Please love, do not let me go. I only want to be with you.” I shoved my face into his neck and he started gently stroking my hair again. Around us the Gryffindor’s gasped in horror. Cries of “you’ve poisoned harry!” and “the slimy slytherin has used his power to control harry!” were heard from the crowd.

Neville bared his teeth at Draco. “He isn’t yours Malfoy. He is mine. I saw him first! So I own him!”

Draco growled loudly, “no he isn’t longbottom. For two reasons: 1, he has chosen me as you can tell by the fact that he hasn’t moved and he specifically told me not to let go. And 2, you’re scaring him which suggests you’re a poor match for him anyway.”

Neville snarled and lunged towards my mate. Faster than I ever thought possible, I stood up and grabbed Neville and flung him onto the nearest table. I felt the control on my magic slip due to my anger and I used it to pin him down on to the table.

Stepping over him, I said, “Draco chose me, you chose me. Let it be known that I choose Draco.” And with that, I threw myself back into Draco’s arms. “And I accept you harry.”  Draco whispered into my ears.

“Now love,” my heart swelled at the endearment. “You need to get your magic under control. As much as I love holding you and I’m glad you’re here, we must talk to adults about this.” “But won’t someone try taking advantage of me?” I asked timidly. Draco huffed a laugh.

“Oh harry darling, I doubt they even could if they tried. You’re so powerful baby.” He whispered the last bit in my ear with a smirk covering his beautiful face.

My body shivered, my cheeks warmed and my pulse began an erratic beat beneath my skin. Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit. As we reached the magnificent doors, he looked over at the teachers sitting in shock and gestured with his head. Out. Now. We then walked hand in hand to Albus’ office.

(Author notes on next part. Please read 😁)

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