A party

17 0 0

POV: Ben
Ben: "oh my god, mid it's really you I thought I never see you again, we had so much catching up to d-"

The door slammed open
Both: "SALLY"
Sally: "Hi guys, come on let's go"
Ben: "go where"
Sally: "my tea party remember you promised you come to this one Ben, and we made a deal mid"
Mid: "ok ok I'll go"
Ben: "I guess I'll go too"
Sally: "yay let's go"

POV: mid
Here we go again being dragged across this place. Hopefully Jeff isn't there,
Mid: "sally, who's in this tea party"
Sally: "you , Ben, Lj, ej and—"
We entered this room it's filled with pink and clothes. I look around to see the table where I think we're gonna have the-, oh sh!t it's
Sally: "-Jeff"

POV: Jeff
I stopped cursing because of sally
Sally: "oh you two have met"
Jeff: "not exactly sally"

I saw Jeff grab one of the forks because he didn't have his knife. I tried to calm him down but sally made it worse she place her right next to Jeff. I could see her tense up
Ej: "so Jeff how did you meet"
Jeff: ".........."
Ej: "JEFF what did you do"
Jeff: "it wasn't my fault the b!t— the girl snuck up on me"
Ej: "you're lying i can tell when your lying, Jeff what did you"
Mid: "he tackled me then tried to stab me"
Ej : "...........

POV: Ben
I could hear them fighting even from across the room. I kept thing about mid, if she really was that girl in the story. But at the same time I was focused on what In the hell sally was putting me in.

POV: mid
If I knew all this arguing would have happened I would have kept my mouth shut where is Ben and sall-
Sally: "introducing princess Ben
Everyone except Ben and sally: Hahahahahaha
Jeff: "you look so stupid!!!!!"
Ben: "I did not agree to this, what happened to the deal, the one were you are only allowed to put on one accessory, one piece of clothing and change one of our items"
Sally; "I kept that deal but 2 of those things are on you with the dress and tiara"
Jeff: "why isn't she dressed" pointing at mid
Sally: "she's had a long day I want to let her rest for today"
Thank god I didn't want to put a dress on anyway
1 hour later
Sally: "the tea party is now over"
POV: Ben
Thank god I checked my watches it was 8:30 the sun should be down by now. Everyone left immediately except for me, mid and sally
Sally: "what's wrong mid the tea party is over"
Ben: "yeah what's wrong"
Mid: "uhm I don't have anywhere to sleep, or any clothes"
Sally: "you can sleep with me until slender assigns you a room, and I can make you some clothes or maybe Ben could lend you some that would be much easier"
Both of them looked at me,......
Ben: "fine you can borrow some of my clothes, but just for tonight"

Creepypasta: the half bloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon