“Me neither but sadly we have to...” I sighed and dragged her with me. Just saying, this wasn’t easy. I mean, Perrie wasn’t big or anything, it was just the fact that she was stronger than me and taller. It’s like a mole would drag an elephant along! Okay, maybe this was too much... but still!

“Please, Jade...” She pouted and now she pulled so strong on my arm that I just had to stop.

“We can’t just go home! We need to go to sports. Surely it won’t be this bad. Now, come on!” I smiled at her and eventually she gave in. Still she didn’t really mind going on her feet herself so it was still rather complicated. When we were finally at the changing room I had already done enough sports for a week!

“I’ll change at the toilets,” she smiled and already headed towards the toilets.

“Wait, why?” I asked confused.

She looked down at her body and bit her lip. She didn’t say a word but the way she looked down herself already made me know what she meant. “How dare you?!” I asked shocked. “Do you seriously think your body isn’t pretty?! You are!”

“Thank you,” she smiled and her cheeks turned bright red. She moved her hands in front of her body and sighed. “But I don’t wanna change with all those people... It makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“Okay,” I said and sighed, shaking my head. She was maybe one of the most perfect girl I had ever seen and she didn’t like herself! Wow, that really was hard for me to believe! “I’ll come with you.”

“Err... no, you really don’t need to. I always change alone in the toilets. I’m sure Leigh and Jesy are already waiting for you, you should go inside.” Again she turned around to walk away from me but I just followed her. She sighed and bit her lower lip but she sighed and locked the door as we both stood in the only free cabin. The others were empty too but they were locked because whenever a toilet wasn’t working they would lock the cabin.

“Okay...” Perrie said and sighed. Since we were together in a small cabin it was like really small and I could hardly breathe. It was rather more the fact that I was so extremely close to Perrie and my heart was racing, than the fact that it was indeed narrow. “I... I need to tell you something before we change...” She bit her lower lip and suddenly her eyes were shimmering; tears were waiting to escape.

“What?! Why are you crying, what’s the problem?” I asked shocked and my heart felt like breaking into pieces. Who would make her cry?

She giggled and wiped away the single tear that had escaped already. “You are so cute, Jade... That’s why I tell you. I have never told this anyone before... Not Jes, not Leigh and not Zayn. Because I never had to. And I wasn’t sure how they would react but I’ve the feeling I can trust you with this, although we only know for like a week and a half...”

She took another deep breath and sat down on the closed toilet bowl. Then she wrapped her arms around her torso until her arms were at the hem of her shirt and she pulled it up until she was only left in her bra. I gaped at what I saw – dozens of red marks trailed down her entire stomach, down into her pants. She didn’t look at me and her hands were in her lap. She had her head down and since I was still standing I couldn’t see her face. “I need to tell anyone now... I cannot take this anymore and I beg you not to tell anyone... Please, don’t tell... No-one would think the same of me anymore.”

I reached out and grabbed one of her hands as I went onto my knees so I was eye level with her. “No worries, Pezza,” I said and smiled sympathetically. “Your secret is safe with me. Just tell me... where you got them from.”

She breathed out shakily as the tears fell down her cheeks, right onto her lap and sometimes falling onto our hands, but I really didn’t care. I just wanted to know what was wrong with her. “Cigarettes... belts... everything that would hurt.”

“But... why? And who?”

Before she answered she raised her head and her blue eyes were staring back into mine. The white of her eyes was reddened but the blue was still sparkling. Before she did answer me I already knew who had done this to her and I had to hold back the urge to gag. How could someone do this to another person? It was just cruel and nothing else.

“My family.”


A/N: Sorry for the shortness of the chapter and also for the crapiness! I'm not really happy with it but I hope you like it anyway and I hope you comment and vote!

Please tell me what you were thinking about it, I appreciate it really, really a lot! 

I was listenting to Little Things while I was writing it and it's sooo beautiful! :') 

And sorry for leaving y'all with a cliffhanger! :/

One the side I have the video of Little Mix performing on The X Factor Australia and I think Jade looks soooo adorable in this dress, omg!!! 

Please check out my friend's Zouis/Larry fanfiction! I've dedicated this chapter to her because she is 'orsum'! :D So, check her out, please! She is like really good and you'd miss out something if you never read anything! Thank you! :) xx

Love you anyway and I hope you all vote and comment please!! :)

Marlene xx

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