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[•] Maria's P.o.V [•]


"I beg of you My Royal Highness! Please eat!

"No..." I repeated once again. My personal maid, Sakura is doing all she can to make me eat what looks like barf. I mean, who would want to eat green mushy stuff?! I hated green ever since I was a kid. Anything that was green, I would hate. I've gotten over it once I graduated high school, but eat this food? Nu-uh. 

"If you eat at least three spoonfuls of the porridge, I'll tell the imperial chefs to cook your favorite cake for lunch."

My eyes lit up, Raspberry deluxe cake?! For Lunch?! I immediately took spoonfuls of porridge in my mouth, not minding the horrible taste it gave my mouth. Sakura stared at me wide-eyed, before squealing ever so loudly that I could hear my ears tingle once she stopped.

"I have to tell My lady and My lord!"

And with those words, she left running. Ah... I just walked. I mentally sighed, the plan of being a normal child getting thrown in an imaginary trash bin. To be honest, Venice's character was a very unique one. And something that made me question the producers of the game. She was a prodigy, excelling in every type of category. May it be in academics or extracurricular stuff such as magic. What made her the villainess was because of her cold and blunt judgments towards the naive heroine, the effect of having her own mother dying because of an ambush. She had always treated the heroine harshly, not physically but mentally.

'The world isn't always cupcakes and rainbows. Learn to know when to be a merciless monster and when to be an angel. There is no place in this cruel world for naive people such as yourself. Even angels can become devils."

That line was the harshest line I've heard from her when I was playing this game. Kudos to the developers for creating such an emotionally-realistic character. And for also creating her so that she stood more as a rival than the cliche bratty and spoiled villainesses in the other stories. Sadly, she dies in every ending you get. It's either she dies fighting or she dies sacrificing herself for the heroine. 

'I don't want you to make the same mistake as I did, being too naive to see how cruel the world really is.'

Was her final words and her answer when the Heroine asks her why she kept on being so venomous. And damn did I cry. Venice did all those things just to protect the heroine, just to let her commit a mistake Venice has done. 

And if I may tell, the heroine has never won a fight against Venice. The closest to winning was when she tied against Venice during the Mid-term contest. This just proves that not all villains can be defeated by the hero. Even the capture targets couldn't defeat her alone during Venice's rebellion against the empire. They had to team up, and even then, the only solution of getting out alive was to cuff her with mana canceling cuffs since they couldn't kill her. During that fight, Venice had also triggered the capture targets' potential, making them break their limits and learning new abilities.

"My daughter! Oh, what good news has Sakura brought to us! Being able to walk at such a young age of 2! You are indeed our little prodigy!"

And here arrives my stunningly gorgeous mother with her warm ruby eyes and elegant long curly blonde hair.  With my stoic, handsome father. His long milky white hair complimenting his ocean blue eyes. What a magnificent couple! I think my nose is going to burst!

"Should we hire a tutor for her, my dear?" My father, Obellius Le Pancras, the emperor of the Orrin Empire suggests as to which I wholeheartedly agree. I am a person who thirsts for knowledge. Not a person who thirsts for love.

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