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Emma and the others come across a dark cave in their search for Henry and Eva, in order to save Eva, they have to each reveal a dark secret.

Emma looks around preparing for a fight

Cole: Avoid being hit by their weapons if you can, they are dipped in dream shade, it's a poison and its lethal

The lost boys attack and the fight begins, David is slashed by a sword protecting Diana. The lost boys soon run, and the map starts to glow again which causes Emma to pick it up.

Regina: What?

Emma: The map was glowing and look its revealed another place, it's a map to a cave, it could lead to Eva or

Regina: Henry maybe even both, let's go

They start their journey to the cave, when David grabs Cole's arm and pulls him aside

Cole: What's wrong?

David (reveals his wound) I got slashed by one of their swords

Cole: Oh boy

David: I know Eva can heal; can you heal me?

Cole: Yes, but it's a big wound I am going to need Eva's help

David: What happens if you can't heal me?

Cole: You can never leave the island, but we will find Eva and together we can heal you okay

David: How am I am going to tell Diana that I can never leave the island?

Cole: Maybe you won't have to, if we heal you, you will be fine, and you will be able to leave the island.

David: How long till the toxins take affect?

Cole: I'd guess a couple of hours

David: Okay I'll be okay

Cole: Yes, you will, now let's catch up with the others

They quickly catch up with the others

Snow: Hey is everything okay?

David: Yeah everything is fine

Regina: How much further?

Cole: Regina we have been walking for about five minutes, just calm down everyone here is worried about Henry and Eva okay

Regina: Fine

They soon approach the cave

Cole: Okay we should be ready for anything we don't know what to expect when we walk into this cave

David: He's right

Emma: Let's proceed with caution and stick together okay and remember we are so close to getting them both back and then we can go ho

Together they all slowly walk into the cave, they see a large cavern, across the cavern locked in cage is Eva, Emma is the first to spot her sister.

Emma: Eva?

Eva: Hi guys be careful over there

Emma: Hey are you okay?

Eva: You been apart from being locked in a cage, yeah I'm okay and I know what Pan wants with Henry (she is shocked when she sees Graham) Graham?

Graham: Hey Dove

Eva: How are you here, I thought you were dead?

Graham: No Cora did not kill me, she sent me here, she killed someone and changed their appearance to make everyone think that she had killed me, she knew how close you and Regina were becoming as friends and she wanted to drive a wedge between you and turn everyone against Regina.

Emma: Eva can you orb out of there?

Eva: No Pan bound by hands with magical rope that only someone is my bloodline can undo

Emma: Is there a way to get over there?

Eva: Yes, I think so, each of you has to confess a deep secret, when everyone has done that a bridge will appear.

Emma: Okay I guess I will go first, the reason I gave Henry up was because I was terrified that I would be a terrible mother

The cave rubbles and a bridge starts to form

Snow: I will go next (she turns to David) I love both of our daughters so much, but I feel like we missed everything and when we get home I want us to try again I want us to have another baby

More of the bridge forms

David: Okay there is nothing more I would love then to be a father again, but I don't even know if I can leave the island

Snow: What?

David: I was slashed by one of the lost boys swords

More of the bridge forms

Cole: But like I told him me and Eva will eb able to heal him, okay me next then, I love being a whitelighter, but I want to find love again and I think I am starting to feel something for Emma

Again, more of the bridge forms

Regina: okay I want to be good to prove to everyone that there is more to me than being the Evil Queen

More of the bridge forms

Graham: And I guess that I am last, okay I was abandoned by my parents and left to be eaten by wolves when I was a baby, so I am terrified about being a father because I never had parents.

The bridge is formed and is complete

Emma and Graham rush over the bridge and they help Eva out of it, and Emma unties her. As soon as she is untied she throws her arms around Graham's neck and hugs her, he pulls away and kisses her

David: Hey you two, father right here

The kiss ends and Eva walks over and hugs her sister

Emma: I am so glad to see you

She pulls away from Emma and then she hugs her parents and Regina

Eva: I know what he wants with Henry

Emma: What does he want with him Eva?

Eva: Pan is dying, and he needs Henry's heart, the heart of the truest believer, but it's a trade if Henry gives Pan his heart then Henry dies and Pan lives

Emma: Oh my god, do you know where Pan is taking Henry?

Eva: I think I heard him say to his right-hand man Felix something about Echo caves, but Henry has to willing give up his heart or it won't work. I don't know where the cave is

Emma: But I bet that Pan lied to the Lost boys, so if we tell them the truth they might help us

Regina: Back to Pan's camp let's go

Graham: Eva I need to talk to you about something in private

Eva (she turns to the others) Go we will catch up

Emma, David Cole and Regina leave the cave

Graham: When this is over and we get home I want us to get married, I want you me and our daughter to be a proper family, what do you think?

Eva: Just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore then I already do. I think it's a wonderful idea. But first let's save our nephew

Together they leave the cave and join the others as they make their way back to Pan's camp.


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