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Cora: I, m curious how did you get here and how can I use it to get to storybrooke?

Cole: Why?

Cora: Well I want to see my daughter and my friend here is seeking revenge

Cole: No chance

Hook: Well there is not much you can do to stop us mate

Charming: We will stop you both

Cora laughs

Cora: Oh, you foolish boy

Cole: He is right you know

Hook laughs

Cole: Oh, laugh it up Guyliner but here is where we make our exit

Cole grabs David's hand and they orb out

Cora: NO

Hook: Don't worry Cora we'll find them again

Cora: We have another way to get to Storybrooke

Elsewhere in the enchanted forest

Cole and David appear

Cole: That was close

Charming: Too close. We need to find Snow, Emma and Graham and get home

Cole: I agree. How much further?

Charming: Not much

Cole and Charming carry on their journey. Not too far away are Snow Emma, Graham, Aurora and Mulan.

Snow: We're almost there

Emma: Great

Graham: How much further Snow?

Snow: Another 2miles

Emma: Awesome

they keep going

Snow: Emma what do you know about Eva?

Emma: Um her full name is Eva Snow Halliwell she was raised in San Francisco her adopted parents are Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt, her adopted father was never around for her growing up she has three adopted siblings Wyatt Chris and Melinda and is a paediatrician

Snow: I, m so sorry that you two didn't get to grow up together and that you had very different childhoods

Emma: It's not your fault and Eva and I have found each other as well as you and David. Eva has even found her True love

Snow: You will find yours too Emma

Emma: Maybe but the main things is that Eva and I have found each other will stick together we're not just sisters we are Best friends too

Snow: I, m glad you have each other

Emma: Me too Henry adores her, and she believes in me not many people have ever believed in me apart from you and Henry

Snow: Thank you for telling me about Eva

Emma: Well you know about me and Eva is your daughter too

Elsewhere in the Enchanted forest

Charming and Cole have just arrived at their destination

Charming: We are here this is where I found Snow again

Cole: Okay now we wait

Charming: We wait

back with the others

Emma: Are we almost there?

Snow: Yes, we are

Graham: Good

Mulan stops

Mulan: Wait

Aurora: Mulan what's wrong?

Mulan: Up ahead there's two men

Aurora: Do you think that they work for Cora?

Mulan: I don't know

Snow looks to see who they are, and she smiles when she sees her husband is one of them

Snow: Charming

David looks up and looks in the direction he heard the voice and smiles when he sees Snow Emma, Graham and their new friends walking towards them. They both walk very quickly towards each other and they meet in the middle they share a hug and a passionate kiss which ends when Emma walks over to them

Snow: You found me

Charming: Did you ever doubt I would

Snow: Not for a second

Charming pulls away from Snow and walks over to Emma and pulls her into a hug

Charming: Are you okay?

Emma: Yeah I, m okay. Is Henry okay?

Charming: He's fine. Eva is protecting him(he pulls away from Emma and walks over to Graham and offers him his hand which Graham takes and they shake hands) Thank you for keeping them safe

Graham: No problem is Eva okay?

David: She is okay she misses you and the baby is fine too

Graham: That's good

Cole: Oh I, m Cole Eva's whitelighter it's like a guardian Angel

Snow: Hi

Emma: Nice to meet you

Charming: We ran into Cora and Hook

Snow: Us too she wants to go to storybrooke

Charming: After all this time why does she want to see Regina

Emma: We can ask Regina when we get back home

Charming: She's right

Graham: Okay so what do we do?

Cole: Hold one of my hands and each other's

Emma: That's it

Cole: Yes

Emma takes his hand and there's an instant spark, Charming takes his other hand. Charming takes Snow's hand and she then takes Graham's hand. Snow looks at Aurora and Mulan.

Snow: Thank you for all your help

Mulan: You're welcome

Aurora: Goodbye

they orb out


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