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Henry is asleep and he is wearing the necklace that Cole gave him he is in the burning room when he sees the women from before.

Henry: Hello?

Women: Hello are you Henry?

Henry: Yeah who are you?

Aurora: My name is Aurora I'm with your Mom, your Grandmother and your Uncle Graham

Henry: Are they okay?

Aurora: Yes, they are fine they just to come home

Henry: Good can you give my Grandmother a message for me please?

Aurora: Of course

Henry: Tell her that my Grandpa and Cole are coming for them, Grandpa said to tell my Grandma to meet them where he found her again the place where he woke he from the sleeping curse okay?

Aurora: Okay I will tell her

Henry starts so wake up and he quickly gets out of bed and ran downstairs to see his Grandpa, Cole and his Aunt Eva

Eva: Henry you okay honey?

Henry: I fell asleep and I saw that women her name is Aurora she is with my Mom; Snow and Graham I gave her the message to give Grandma

David: That is great that means that we can go and get them right?

Cole: Yes, it does

Eva: I still think that I should go with you

David: No, I'm not putting you or the baby in danger I need you to stay here and keep Henry safe okay?

Eva: As long as you stay safe Dad I have only just found you. I want our family back too, but I don't want to lose my Father in the process

David: Hey I will be fine okay

Eva: Okay but there is something I want you to take with you(she goes over to her chest cabinet and takes out a beautiful sword and hands it to her father) take this with you my brother Wyatt gave it to me for my sweet 16th he was teaching me to sword fight but now I want you to have it. It also deflects magic(he takes the sword)

David: Wow its amazing thank you Eva

Henry: Grandpa you will bring them back won't you?

David: Henry I promise you that I will bring them home

Henry: Okay

David: While I'm gone listen to your Aunt Eva okay?

Henry: I will I promise

David: Keep each other safe okay

Eva: You too

David: Come here

Eva and Henry walk over to David and they share a group hug as Cole comes over to Eva she pulls away

Eva: You be careful okay?

Cole: I will, and I will bring them home and if you need anything just call for Wyatt okay

Eva: Wyatt?

Cole: He's your whitelighter till I get back

Eva: Okay

There is a knock on the door and Eva walks over and opens it to reveal Regina

Eva: Regina?

Regina: I was hoping that I could see Henry if he's here?

Eva: Um yeah he's here hang on(she turns to Henry) Henry do you want your Mom?

Henry: I guess

Eva(turns back to Regina) come on in

Regina walks in and walks over to Henry

Regina: Henry I have been trying a way to bring Emma Graham and Diana back, but I have found nothing yet, but I will

David: we have found one

Regina:(shocked) how?

Eva: yes, Cole is a whitelighter a guardian angel he can orb into different realms

Regina: So, he can orb to the enchanted forest and find them

Eva: Yes, and my Dad is going with him

Regina: What about Henry?

Eva: You can help me protect Henry while they are gone

Regina: Really?

Eva: Yes, you are Henry's mother just as much as Emma and you are a part of this family too

Regina: Thank you Eva

David: Eva are you sure?

Eva: Yes, she is trying to change for Henry the only way to help her is by believing that she can be good and help her get there and by believing in her

David: You really are your Mother's daughter

Eva: I have two very awesome Moms

Cole: Okay it's time to go

Eva: Okay Hey Dad orbing for the first can leave feeling a little weird

David: Thanks

Cole: Um you have to hold my hand

David takes Cole's hand

Regina: Good luck and don't worry we will all be fine

Cole orbs and takes David with him


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