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I'm back

Just after they came through the portal aboard Hook's stolen ship, Emma sees an island in the far distance

Emma: Is that it?

Gold: Yes Neverland

Emma is looking out towards the island when David and Diana walk over to her

David: Emma are you okay?

Emma: I, m worried about Henry

David: Eva is there, and you know that she will protect him

Emma: I, m worried about her too.

David: We will find both Henry and Eva

Gold: touching but I believe that I can find Henry myself

Emma: We agreed that we would find them both together

Gold: I agreed no such thing

Gold twirls his cane and before it hits the floor, he disappears

Emma: Where did he go?

Regina: He must have gone to Neverland

Cole: Guys we have a problem

Emma (goes over to him) Cole what is it?

Cole: We are about to be (before he can say anything else something hits the side of the ship, which causes everyone to fall)

David (he gets up and goes over to Cole) What was that?

Emma: What did we hit? A reef

David: Or did something hit us?

Emma: Like what?

David: I don't know

They all look over the side of the ship to see what is attacking them and they are shocked to see that it is mermaids

David: Mermaids?

Emma: Mermaids

Cole: We have got to do something before they sink us

David: I will not be capsized by fish

He grabs a chain and a net, and he quickly loads and fires the cannon

Snow: We got one

Regina: One? There are dozens of them

As Snow and Charming pull, the mermaid on to the ship, Regina powers up a fire ball

Regina: Enough of this (she throws fireball after fireball at the mermaids and they quickly flee) There they are gone

Snow and David pull the mermaid onto the deck of the ship

Cole: We need to get that thing of the ship

Snow: Why did you attack us?

Mermaid: Let me go or you will all die

David: Answer the question

The mermaid grabs the seashell next to her and blows into it, which causes the wind to pick up.

David: Stop the storm

Mermaid: No

Charming pulls out his sword and points it at the mermaid

Regina: That is more like it, Charming fillet the bitch

Snow: Stop it, if we kill her, we will make enemies of the mermaids

Regina: Enough of this (with a wave of her hand Regina turns the mermaid into wood)

Snow: Regina!

Emma: What did you do?

Regina: That should stop the storm

Snow turns to Regina in angry

Snow: Bring the mermaid back

Regina: No

Snow and Regina start fighting so do David and Cole, Emma tries to stop them.

Emma: No stop it (she realises something) it's not the mermaid causing the storm, it's us, stop it you must listen to me

They don't listen and they keep fighting so Emma climbs onto the edge of the ship

Emma: Stop

Nobody listens

Emma: HEY

They stop fighting and look at Emma, who turns around and jumps into the sea, they all rush to the edge of the ship

Snow and David: EMMA

Regina: How could she be so stupid

Snow: EMMA? Regina get her up here

Regina: I can't not in this storm I can't even see her I would just bring up water and half her leg

David goes to jump in after her, but Cole stops him

David: She'll drown

Cole: So, will you (he hands David a rope) tie this around your waist when you have found her pull on the rope and we will pull you both up

David takes the rope and ties the rope around his waist, and he jumps into the water after Emma, who he quickly finds, he wraps his arm around her and tugs on the rope and Cole, Snow and Regina pull them both back onto the ship and Snow kneels next to her

Snow: Emma come on wake up

Emma coughs up some water and she slowly wakes up

Emma: I told you

David helps her up

David: You okay?

Emma: Apart from wet and cold I, m fine

Regina waves her hand over Emma and she is completely dry

Emma: Thank you

Cole: We are here, we should take the long boats to shore

David: Let's go

They gather their things and they get into the long boats and Cole lowers the boat, he then climbs down the rope ladder and he gets into the boat and he and Charming rows to the shore, once they are there, they all get out of the long boat and walk up the beach a little

David: Okay what is the plan?

Regina: To find Henry

Emma: Okay listen to me I know there is a lot of bad blood between everyone here, but we need to work together

David (points at Regina) Work with her

Emma: Yes, we need to be who we are, a hero a princess, a villain and an Angel because that is the only way we are going to find Henry and Eva and get home

Regina: And who are you?

Emma: I'm your leader but who I am is a mother and big sister, so either you help me get my son and my sister back or get out of my way

Emma walks away and the others slowly follow her.


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